Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

When Zhang Taiyi mentioned the ancient magician, his tone was full of longing and respect, and he did not forget the kindness that the ancient magician gave to him during his stay in his palace.

Although there are only a few words from Liao Liao, he has benefited a lot and remembers his life.

Tana curiously said: "Grandpa Zhang, you called the ancient **** doctor for his old man. Is the ancient **** doctor very old? Is he older than your old man?"

She saw that Zhang Taiyi had to be white, but she claimed that the ancient magician was an old man. She thought that the ancient magician must be an older grandfather than Zhang Taiyi.

After listening to her naive questions, Empress Zhou couldn't help but smile.

Many people in the hall had seen the ancient magician and all smiled.

Zhang Taiyi didn't answer as if he didn't hear Tana's words.

Su Jin quickly smiled and said: "Princess Tana, Mrs. Zhang called the old man a respect. It does not mean that the ancient doctor is really old. In fact, he is still very young, and looks like your elder brother.

"Really? He is so young, but his medical skills are so powerful, hey, if he is there, he will definitely cure my big brother's disease." Princess Tana's eyes were shiny and shiny Then he lowered his eyes and sighed worriedly.

"Unfortunately I can't find him, I don't know the fire ..."

"It doesn't matter, we will search slowly. We will always find the ancient **** doctor. He has cured so many patients. He is a man with big fuze. God will bless him safe." Su Jin comforted her.

Princess Tana nodded and suddenly heard a cold voice beside her:

"You only remember the ancient magician, but you don't remember that the ancient magician also accepted an apprentice?"

It was Princess Anle Chang who spoke.

Her words made everyone feel awkward and recalled immediately.

Not bad!

The ancient magician did accept an apprentice, and it was just under their eyelids.

And his apprentice is no one else, it is the Queen Mother Shen Ning!

But why didn't the princess mention it early or late, instead of mentioning the name of the queen's lady in this osseous eye, what does she mean? She deliberately started Shen Ning in front of Princess Beiqi, did she want to disturb the happy event?

The ministers could not help but take a breath, and looked at Princess Chang with a stunned expression.

The whole hall became silent.

Needle drops are audible.

Empress Zhou's eyes twitched sharply. She looked coldly at Princess Chang, who was also looking at her, her eyes did not flinch.

She did it on purpose!

She just wants to tell her mother in this way, not to mention Shen Ning's name, does not mean that everyone has forgotten her! I never forgot!

Empress Zhou exhaled heavily, her anger more intense.

The princess was not afraid at all, her lips sneered slightly, her eyes sneered.

Her chest was filled with resentment and grievances. Seeing this scene of harmony and joy, the more she looked at it, the more she felt sad and inexplicable.

Ning'er, Ning'er, you are suffering from the wind and frost outside now, but your beloved man is already planning to marry a flower-like newcomer into the door. If you know this news, I'm afraid it will be as angry and sad as me ?

I hate my incompetence and can't stop this marriage. What I can do is to add a bit to their hearts.

I have no way to remind everyone of your goodness, but I try not to let them forget you!

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