Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Ah, this was left when I practiced bow shooting. Although I have been working very hard and hard, but the arrow method has always been bad. The elder brother always trains me to say that I am a fool."

Tana sticks her tongue out embarrassedly and looks cute and cute.

"Big Brother, who is it?" Princess Chang asked doubtfully.

"It's my prince's brother, he has the longest ranking, so I'm always used to calling him his elder brother. When he taught me archery, he hasn't been prince. Hee hee." Closed his mouth.

But the Prince Beiqi, since he entered the banquet, had been leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed and closed, as if he had never been awake, and he was so lively on the seat, but he didn't even notice it. Yes, I haven't opened my eyes lazily, nor even said a word.

If Tana hadn't mentioned his name at this time, everyone almost ignored such an important person.

"It turns out to be His Royal Highness." Princess Chang glanced at Prince Bei Qi and snorted inwardly.

In her eyes, the lazy gesture of the other party clearly despised Xi Chu, arrogant and arrogant, no one in sight, she had no good impression at first sight.

Hearing Princess Chang mentioned her name, the Prince Qi of Beiqi didn't even lift her eyelids. It was more like she didn't see the delicious food on the table, but she just took a nap there.

"Have your crown prince not slept for three nights and three nights?" Princess Chang couldn't help but sarcastically.

Tana smiled and shook her head: "Sister Master, don't be angry. My elder brother is like this. He had a disease when he was a child, what is called narcolepsy, and he has to sleep for a long time. Sometimes he will sleep for seven days and seven nights, but when he wakes up, he will become energetic. Like normal people, he is sick now. If it was not to accompany me to the banquet, he would have been there. I slept very much in the post. "


Everyone was surprised when Princess Tana said.

"What is this disease?"

"The first time I heard."

"It's weird."

Empress Zhou said curiously: "So is there any danger to him?"

Princess Tana shook her head: "It's okay, but he will sleep when he gets sick, no matter what he is doing, sometimes he is talking or talking, or he is eating, he will fall asleep until he wakes up. That ’s it. Do n’t look at him falling asleep now, but what we say and what happens now, he will remember clearly when he wakes up, and he ’s not wrong at all. ”

This surprised everyone.

Do you remember what happened when you fell asleep? Is this asleep or awake!

Empress Zhou couldn't help but asked again: "So is he asleep now?"

She glanced at Prince Beiqi several times and found that he was leaning on the back of the chair, indeed it seemed to have fallen asleep. She originally thought that the other party was deliberately making this gesture. Unheard of illness.

"He really fell asleep." Princess Tana said embarrassedly: "Please, please the queen mother forgiveness, I did not expect the big brother to get sick suddenly. Before he entered the palace, I promised me that it would never happen. , I thought he could do it, but I didn't expect ... he still fell asleep. "

"It doesn't matter, Ai's family doesn't blame him, he didn't mean it, not to mention the sudden onset of the disease."

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