Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2878: Ambiguous attitude

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Ye Tingxuan pressed her hand to the back of her hand, smiled at her, and said softly: "Don't make trouble."

Although these two words are light, they mean that Princess Chang can't protest. She understands what Ye Tingxuan didn't say.

This is now at the palace banquet, the other party is the princess of Beiqi, and there is a prince of Beiqi sitting on the seat.

She had to suppress her anger, but stared at Tana with her eyes.

Even if she didn't speak, she wanted to let Tana know that not everyone here welcomed her!

Princess Chang shouted Qu and anger for Shen Ning. When these people saw Princess Tana's smile, did they forget Ning Er? Didn't they know that this Princess Tana came to grab the position of Ning Er?

Others don't know, don't you know the emperor's brother?

What made Princess Chang angry the most was Mo Chuan's attitude. He was always so ambiguous and unclear.

If he hated Tana, he would personally greet the city in front of the people of the city and greet Tana back to the palace.

If he said that he liked Tana, Tana was sitting next to him in the banquet, but he did n’t look at Tana at a glance, as if there was no such person at all.

The princess was confused, and she found that the heart of the emperor's brother was like a needle in the sea.

The more she looked, the more confusing, which made her start to get angry again.

But this time her anger was not directed at Princess Tana, but at Mochuan.

"Hey, princess, why are you staring at the emperor again, where did he bother you?"

Ye Tingxuan quickly pulled the sleeves of Princess Chang.

"He just irritated me!" The princess was angry, still clenching her fists, glaring at Mo Chuan like staring at the enemy.

Mo Chuan raised his eyebrows to meet the eyes of the princess.

Facing the aggressive gaze of the princess, his eyes were indifferent, and his face was even lighter.

This painless look made the princess princess resentful.

Even if it is a tortoise, it should be fart out!

"What do you mean by the emperor's brother! If you don't want to marry Princess Natana, say it out loud! Say it in front of everyone! I dare to force you to marry her even if you don't believe in your mother! You said, you said what!"

Seeing Mo Chuan say nothing for a long time, the princess couldn't hold back anymore and suddenly patted the table and stood up loudly.

She made a sudden noise, and even Ye Tingxuan didn't have time to stop it. When he wanted to stop it, it was too late. The words of the princess were already like a bamboo tube and bursting with beans.


Many people in the hall changed their complexions, and of course many people felt dark.

They have been waiting to watch the jokes and jokes, and finally have arrived.

Su Jin's heart mentioned his throat, and he almost came out of his mouth.

Her face was pale and she looked at Princess Chang silently. She was really afraid of what came. She was very guarded against anything, but she was afraid that something would happen at this banquet, but she seemed to be in the wrong place. What did moths prevent Princess Tana from coming to Taiwan, but did not expect ...

There is no situation on the emperor's side, and all the people who are out of the situation are the princess!


She also shouted badly in her heart, what should I do in this situation?

Queen Mother, do you think of a way?

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