Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2875: Secretly surprised

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There was a raging anger in Princess Anlechang's eyes, and the tears that had poured into his eyes quickly dried up.

She was wronged, but more angry.

Hate mother, hate Tana even more!

She suddenly pointed at Tana: "The mother, the person you should drive away is not me, but her! Why is she sitting here! This position should be Ning'er!"

Princess Anlechang's words are not surprisingly endless.

The name Shen Ning has long been a taboo in the palace.

Everyone knows that it is not possible to presume the name behind Zhou Tai anyway.

Princess Anle is even more likely not to know, but she not only mentioned it, but also on such an important occasion. This is obviously to anger Queen Mother Zhou.

Mo Chuan said nothing, but when he heard the word "Ninger", his eyes flashed an unpredictable look, and it was fleeting.

The ministers originally thought that the emperor would stand up to stop the prank of Princess Anlechang, but they did not expect the emperor to sit there and also stay out like the Northern Prince.

They all know that Princess Anle is indeed not afraid of the earth, not to mention the Empress Zhou, but she listens to the emperor most, as long as the emperor ’s words can calm down the angry princess, but the emperor did not .

Why is that?

Does the emperor hope that the princess will go on like this and make this harmonious scene endless?

Everyone thought of this, they took a breath in their hearts.

It seems that the emperor doesn't want to get involved in this family matter!

Thinking of this, someone secretly shocked, some secretly happy.

Although no one dared to speak, all the ministers watched Empress Zhou's seat intently, turning their minds to see how this thing would eventually develop.

Of course, most people are worried. They do n’t want things that have been negotiated to happen again. They hope the marriage between the two countries will proceed smoothly.


Empress Zhou finally became furious, and her right hand shot down on the table.

"Mrs. Empress, this is the tea I just made. What do you taste different from the bowl I drink in the afternoon?"

Empress Zhou's hand did not fall on the table, but touched a soft and tender little hand.

Then, her hands were stuffed into a pottery bowl, and in front of her was the smiling face of Princess Tana, and her large pure eyes, shining like stars.

"Uh ... It's Tana." There was no news of the anger on Queen Zhou's face. When she saw Tana at first glance, she couldn't turn her smile for a moment, and she looked a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, empress dowager, this is a new cup of tea I just brewed. It's a little different from the previous cup. Can you tell if it's different?" Tana looked at her expectantly, like I didn't know anything about what happened just now, and I didn't pay attention to Princess Anlechang's bad look at herself.

Empress Zhou was so angry that she saw Tana's innocent eyes, and she couldn't come out at all.

She took the pottery bowl with a smile, took a sip of tea, then tasted it and said, "This tea seems to have a little more fruity aroma?"

Tana clapped and smiled: "The queen mother is so powerful, and she tasted it all at once. I added a little grape dew inside. Does the queen mother like it?"

"Like, Tana's tea, Aijia likes to drink it."

Empress Zhou took another sip of tea, and the smile on her face became more natural.

With her laugh, the tense atmosphere in the hall suddenly relaxed.

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