Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2870: One more daughter

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Empress Zhou had a son and a daughter, and she was always strict with her eldest son Mo Chuan. She almost never showed a little smile in front of Mo Chuan, so although Mo Chuan respected her, there was always a gap between her mother and her son.

Mo Chuan has always maintained the proper etiquette and rules in front of Empress Zhou. He has never been attached to the knees of his mother like ordinary people. The mother and the child are very polite, but the politeness is too estranged, it is rare to say A few words of love.

Princess Anlechang has a hot temper and a boyish personality. It is impossible for her to be like a petite and weak young girl in front of Mrs. Zhou.

Therefore, although Empress Zhou loves her daughter, because of the character of Princess Anlechang, the mother and daughter are always out of tune. Empress Zhou always reprimands much and loves less.

Even Empress Zhou did not expect that when she saw this princess Tana from the Northern Qi Kingdom who was about to become her daughter-in-law, she would be so desperate and so loved.

She had thrown all her vigilance at the first sight out of Jiu Xiaoyun, and she wholeheartedly spoiled the daughter-in-law who had not yet passed the door.

Princess Tana filled her heart with hearts, making her more satisfied.

Princess Tana obviously loved and admired Empress Zhou from the bottom of her heart. She lay at the feet of Empress Zhou and talked to Empress Zhou. Empress Zhou asked someone to move her chair to her. She refused to sit. Holding the chin in one hand, one hand was pulled by Empress Zhou, and the two eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky blinking.

She listened very carefully, sometimes naively inserting a few words, but it was not annoying at all.

Empress Zhou could just make a joke and make her giggling, her smile was natural and unpretentious, and her voice was as crisp as a lark.

She sometimes tells the Empress Dowager about things in the Northern Qi Kingdom. For example, she caught a singing bird of paradise in the heavy snow all day and night, freezing her whole body without consciousness. Two days later, her prince's brother was not at ease and found the hat she threw in the snow. She was afraid that she would freeze to death in the snow.

"Ah, why do you kid do such a stupid thing, what kind of bird of paradise do you want, you can ask your men to catch it, how can you take such a big risk yourself, if you are really frozen, mourn the family Where to find your daughter-in-law who is so satisfied. "

When Empress Zhou heard this, she was so nervous that she had sweat in her palm, and Tana's hand refused to let go.

Although Tana was right in front of her now, Empress Zhou still felt terrified when she thought of the scene she described.

Tana giggled and rubbed her nose on the back of Queen Zhou's hand, just like a kitten.

This intimate move caused the Queen Mother Zhou to feel soft for a while, and could not help rubbing her black and soft hair.

"Your boy." She sighed, and couldn't express the satisfaction in her heart, just like there was a daughter in Pingkong.

"Mother Empress, am I not okay? And the bird of paradise is not easy to catch, it can't be caught casually. If you offend it, even if you catch it, it won't sing." Tana blinked. Winked, grinning.

The two talked speculatively, and Tana didn't recover until Su Jin reminded her.

"Ah, I forgot, Queen Mother, is the palace banquet about to begin? Then he ... he will go, too?" She looked at Empress Zhou brightly.

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