Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2858: Precious aquamarine

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There are thousands of treasures that Su Jin has seen in the palace, but gems like this are the first to be seen and cannot be surprised.

The person next to him saw this necklace. Although he didn't know what it was, he also knew that it must be expensive. The main thing is that it is so beautiful!

Everyone was so envious of Su Jin, and I didn't know how she just cast the fate of the third princess, and gave such a precious and beautiful gift as soon as she shot it.

Su Jin knew everything.

The reason why the three princesses looked at each other differently, when they met each other, they laughed like beads, and gave gifts, all because they were the most trusted people around Empress Zhou.

If she is just an ordinary maiden, the third princess may not even look at herself.

This is the way things are in the world. She has been accustomed to it for a long time, and she has already practiced a spoiled time.

"Aunt Su Jin, this is a kind of seabed specialty stone from our Northern Qi State, called aquamarine. It is only found in the deep and deep seabed. It is very rare. I think it is very beautiful. Do you like it?"

"The slave maid likes it very much, but it's too expensive. Otherwise, Princess San would give this gift to the empress dowager. I believe the empress dowager would like it too." Su Jin hinted gently.

The third princess said: "Aunt Su Jin just keep it, I have prepared the gift for the queen mother, you see, it's all there." She pointed at a dozen large boxes.

"All?" Su Jin was startled.

"Yes, Aunt Su Jin, can you take me in to please the Queen Mother? I heard about the Queen Mother when I was in Beiqi. I have always admired myself. I have long wanted to see the Queen Mother, and I can finally see it today." The princess showed an expression of expectation.

"Yes, of course, the slave-servant came to pick the third princess into the palace."

Su Jin was busy, and at the same time secretly ashamed, thinking how he had confused and answered this little girl outside the palace gate for a while, fearing that the queen mother was waiting inside.

But it is strange to say that these three princesses look only sixteen or seven years old, but she smiles Yan Yan and has no heart in the city. She speaks frankly and makes people want to talk to her more.

"Aunt Su Jin, don't you like the aquamarine I gave you?" The third princess suddenly said.

"Like it."

"Then why don't you wear it?"

Su Jin saw that the aquamarine necklace was too expensive and too shiny. After thanking the third princess, she put it in the box. Unexpectedly, the third princess took a few steps and suddenly looked back at her and asked about it.

Her face was slightly embarrassed: "Three Princesses, this necklace is too expensive, slave-woman ..."

The third princess said quickly: "What is precious is not precious, this is jewelry, jewelry should be shiny and beautiful, you put it on, otherwise I think you don't like my gift, you see, I will wear it if you give me the little rabbit. "

She pointed to her waist. Sure enough, the little rabbit Yu Pei was tied to the belt by her, and wobbled as she moved.

"This necklace ... it's too bright." Su Jin's face was embarrassed.

Her dress has always been elegant and pleasant, and she always decorated herself dignified and steady, which is consistent with her usual image. She simply can't imagine what it would be like to wear the shiny necklace on her neck.

"Of course it needs to be bright. The brighter the jewelry is, the better it looks. If it is just black broken stones, who will wear it on the neck, Aunt Su Jin, do you say that?"

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