Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2855: Town house praying

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The customs of Xichu are far more conservative than those of Beiqi, whether they are out of the cabinet or not, but all women wear skirts and cover their legs and feet so that they cannot be seen by others. .

A dress like the Three Princesses can be said to be the only one in Xichu!

Su Jin looked at the dress of the third princess and felt her face beating heartily. She was embarrassed not to look at her. She thought, don't let the emperor see such a princess. Live here.

But she can't tell her what's wrong with the dress of the third princess.

"The slave-servant has seen the third princess."

After all, Su Jin is accustomed to the wind and waves, and the strange things in his heart are not revealed on his face.

When saluting, it is neither humble nor too high, and the sound is not high or low, which makes people very comfortable listening.

The three princesses were playing with a horsewhip, and a pair of beautiful eyes were looking away, their faces full of curiosity looking at the scenery around Shoukang Palace.

She was very curious about everything, especially the beautiful and magnificent building, especially when she saw the two stone lions lying on the left and right of the door of Shoukang Palace. She could not help being surprised.

"Wow! How did such a big stone lion make it? Why do you want to put this at the door? Do you want to eat people? Hee hee, although the lion is carved like a stone, it is made of stone after all, how can it eat people? ? "

She giggled, but spoke the Western Chu dialect, the words were round and round, which surprised everyone in Shoukang Palace and opened her eyes wide.

Hey, weird, is n’t she the princess of the Northern Qi Kingdom? How can we speak the Western Chu language?

Su Jin heard it from Xiao Qinzi, so she was not so surprised.

But she was very authentic when she heard the three princess Xichu's words, and she was still a very skillful Beijing film, still very surprised.

"This stone lion has the function of praying for blessings in the town house. It is not a scare. Why, hasn't the third princess seen such a custom in the Northern Qi Kingdom?"

Su Jin looked at the Three Princesses with a smile.

She read countless people and wanted to see exactly what kind of girl these three princesses were.

Described from Xiao Qinzi's mouth, she seemed naive, lively, and heartless.

But which one of the princesses who came out of the palace is really naive and lively, without a heart?

"It turns out that this is the custom of Xi Chu, hee hee, it's really interesting, I like this custom, by the way, are you Aunt Su Jin? Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so young, so beautiful, it looks almost as big as me What. "

The third princess did not have a princess at all. She took a step forward and took Su Jin's hand, her expression was affectionate and her smile was full.

This move not only surprised Su Jin, but even the people next to him showed a surprised expression.

It's the first time they have seen an approachable princess like this.

"Three princesses, you can punish slave-servants, slave-servants can't deserve your praise." After all, Su Jin was calm and restrained, and the surprise in her heart was completely hidden by her.

"I'm not praising, but telling the truth, Aunt Su Jin, I heard your name when I was in Beiqi. I only saw you today when I was young and beautiful. If I saw it myself, I really I can't believe it. "

The three princesses smiled sincerely, their eyes sparkling, and their white teeth were exposed.

But for all women, no one does not like being praised for their youthful beauty.

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