Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2840: Shaking face pocket

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The old man patted his thighs and shouted, "Good idea, good idea! How could my old man never think of it! Alas, it turns out that people are old and mentally incompetent, and they can't compare with you young people."

Xiao Qinzi vomited a sentence in his heart, and said again: "Grandpa, you saw the float of the third princess, what happened later?"

After the old man had talked with Xiao Qinzi, his impression of Xiao Qinzi was greatly improved, and he looked more and more pleasing to him, patting his shoulder with a smile.

"Do n’t worry, listen to me and tell you slowly, I know your young man did n’t marry his wife, so anxious to see the third princess, right? But even if you squeeze in now, it ’s useless. Yes, the three princesses are the emperor's man, young man. If you really want to marry a wife, my old man can give you Zhang Luo Zhang Luo. Although I don't have a granddaughter, my granddaughter and dry granddaughter are. Yes, where are you doing things? What is your family history, can your parents survive? How many brothers and sisters? What is your ranking? Gui Geng this year? "

Xiao Qinzi was so depressed that he almost scratched the wall.

How can this broken old man become a matchmaker in a blink of an eye!

"Grandpa, I'm not in a hurry to marry my wife. Please tell me about the third princess!"

"Oh oh, yes, let's talk about the three princesses first, lad, my old man is old and his mouth is a bit broken. You should bear more."

Little Qinzi thought, not to bear but to bear, I have to know from your old mouth about the emperor and the third princess.

"Grandpa, you said, I'm listening here."

"Boy, the lively method you told me just now is good, but ah, it was from those who watched the lively in the restaurant." The old man suddenly shouted.


Xiao Qinzi's face changed.

"What a disaster? What happened?" He blinked nervously.

Especially when he saw that the old man was slow to say nothing, he wished he could grab the old man's collar and lift him upside down, shaking like a pocket, and let him put all his words in his stomach once. Sex spit clean.

Hanging his appetite like this is really uncomfortable for his mother.

The old man saw Xiao Qinzi's forehead bursting out of green muscles, it seemed really anxious, hey laughed.

"I said boy, which door are you in a hurry, the other three princesses are not in a hurry, the emperor is not in a hurry, even if there is a big disaster, do your ass!"

Xiao Qinzi really wanted to shout: "If something goes wrong with the emperor, something goes wrong with the third princess, I will never end with you!"

He pressed and pressed before he suppressed the fire in his heart.

"Grandpa, don't torture me, please tell me okay?"

The old man smiled, and finally no longer sold the key.

"All right, the float of the third princess came to the street in front, and the two sides were competing to see the third princess. It was crowded and crowded, and it was crowded with water. If the royal forest soldiers opened the road in front, I was afraid that the third princess could not walk. Not all of them came to see the third princess, and the emperor! Hey, young man, have you ever seen the emperor? "

Xiao Qinzi was so anxious that he easily waited until the old man had mentioned the topic, but he hadn't said a word yet. He actually turned to the emperor. He really wanted to say that I was the imperial guard, and others could not see the emperor, the old man. By common!

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