Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Xiao Qinzi didn't seem to hear what she said at all, and shouted: "Come here! Really! I see the emperor!"

"Emperor? Where?"

Su Jin looked hard, and finally saw a very distant place, a small black spot appeared vaguely.

She heard a rumble in her ears, which should be the sound of a Mercedes-Benz horseshoe, like a large thunder, rumbling and rolling.

"At the very front, the emperor rode a black-haired white-hoofed horse. That horse is so beautiful!" Xiao Qinzi shouted.

"Your kid, can you say the point, the point! How is the emperor looking?"

Su Jin asked nervously, grasping the rough stone on the city wall with both hands.

This stupid little Qinzi does not pay attention to people, but pays attention to the Malay riding from the emperor!

"The emperor's complexion? Very good!" Xiao Qinzi finally turned his head to look at Su Jin, wondering: "Aunt Su Jin, what's wrong with you? His face is not good, is it too windy and cold here? Or aunt?" You stand there in a sheltered place, and I will call you when the emperor is near, okay? "

Su Jin was so nervous that he lost his blood on his face.

The wind above the city wall was indeed very strong, and only the flag was blowing and screaming and screaming, but even in the strong wind, she would not move half a step.

"No, I'm watching here."

She finally saw the black dot getting closer and closer, more and more clear.

The hoof was rumbled and the flag was waving.

The familiar white helmet and silver armor are Xichu's well-trained Yulin army. They are brave and powerful on the horse. The red tassel on the helmet is like a bright red fire in the wind under the sunshine Fluttering and dancing, the calcium armor on her body was shining, which made her shine.

But the most striking thing is not the team of well-dressed Imperial Forest Army, but the man with horse-holding reins in front of the Imperial Forest Army.

In the distance, a tall black horse with only black hooves appeared in the field of vision.

The person who is on the ground is bright yellow, shining in the scorching sunlight, and as soon as it appears, it instantly grabs everyone's attention.

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor is here!"

The people in front of the gate swelled with excitement and gave excited cheers.

Far apart, Su Jin and the people could not see the expression on Mo Chuan's face, and did not know whether he was happy or angry.

But the heroic posture he flew from has already attracted the attention of people.

Many people have fallen on the ground involuntarily.

The sergeants guarding the gate of the city raised their heads and clasped their arms tightly. They looked at the emperor closer and closer to the front, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

As Mo Chuan's figure drew closer, the cheers and noise of the people disappeared.

The inside and outside of the gate became extremely quiet, so quiet that even the sound of a needle landing could be heard.

The people looked at Mo Chuan from horseback riding with admiration and admiration.

The sound of the horseshoe was clear and audible, and Mo Chuan's tall figure appeared at the gate of the city.

"See the emperor!"

With a hula, everyone bowed down, their foreheads touched the ground, and no one dared to raise their heads.

Mo Chuan Qingjun's perfect facial features can't see any expression. He held the horse rein and let the horse walk slowly, just like entering the no-man's land, just stepping into the city gate step by step.

Xiao Qinzi in the Arrow City bowed to the ground as early as the moment when Mochuan entered the city. Although he knew that the Emperor could not see himself at all, the long-standing awe still made him fall down.

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