Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2829: Compassionate

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Your kid talks nonsense, is this kind of nonsense?" Su Jin frowned tightly and scolded.

But now that he was not in the palace, Xiao Qinzi was not afraid, and he put out his tongue with a smile, a tired look on his face.

"Aunt, we are out of the palace now, so we do n’t have to be bound by the rules of the palace. It ’s a whisper between us. You and I have a thorough understanding. I promise not to tell anyone. In fact, even if you do n’t say aunt, the queen is not here Things in the palace are not secret, everyone knows. "

Su Jin shook her heart and closed her lips.

She knew that this matter could not be concealed sooner or later. Soon, Shen Ning's news that Shipin had made the Imperial Academy of Shipin would be well known in the world.

It's just that the empress dowager is still temporarily hidden in the drum.

"Auntie, you show mercy and tell me, okay?" Xiao Qinzi begged.

Su Jin said with a straight face: "You forgot the rules in the palace, but I did not forget, can this kind of thing be discussed behind? You don't want your head?"

Xiao Qinzi is still smiling, apparently not afraid of Su Jin ’s threat: "I know aunt you are a good person and will never divulge our conversations, so my brain will be completely handed over to your aunt, if aunt When do you want to hack, you can always find someone to hack. "

Su Jin said in a deep voice: "The Queen Mother is not in the palace, you will know later, what do you say now?"

After a pause, she looked directly at Xiao Qinzi: "You tell your aunt, do you really want the emperor to marry the third princess of the Northern Qi State?"

Xiao Qinzi nodded and wondered: "Yeah, I certainly hope, don't you, aunt, do we want Xi Chu to marry Bei Qi?"

It's not undesirable, just, just ...

Su Jin's lips moved, but there was nothing he could say.

"Of course ... I hope too." Although she thought of Shen Ning in her heart, it was not true if she said that she firmly opposed this happy and beautiful event.

But when she thought of Shen Ning, she felt sad.

"But since you were out of the palace, your aunt has been very worried. Everyone is happy, but aunt, you don't look very happy, why?"

Although Xiao Qinzi is a bodyguard and young, he is not a fool.

Su Jin's expression is so abnormal that he can see it at a glance.

There was a smile on everyone's face, but only Aunt Su Jin seemed to be in serious trouble. If he couldn't see it, then he would be blind.

Su Jin's heart was awkward again, and he didn't expect that his mind was even seen by Xiao Qinzi.

"How do you know that I am not happy, I am obviously very happy." Su Jin smiled.

"Aunt, please pretend to be in front of me. I see when you can pretend." Xiao Qinzi said with a smile: "But rest assured, aunt, I will never reveal my aunt's secret. Today and I What my aunt said, if I said a word to an outsider, I would be punished with a big sore on my tongue, and I would be born into a living king in my next life. "

Su Jin moved her heart and looked at Xiao Qinzi.

"When did you know that the empress queen was not in the palace?"

This sentence of her is equivalent to admitting Xiao Qinzi's doubts.

Xiao Qinzi immediately got excited.

"Auntie, I know everything about you, and I am full of words. I just hope you can tell me a word out of my heart. The fact that the queen is not in the palace has long spread. As for when it came out , I really do n’t know ... "

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