Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2813: Just want to protect her

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Mo Chuan's indifferent "huh" made a nonchalant expression.

Xiao Xizi looked at Mo Chuan puzzledly: "Emperor, don't you feel happy?"

Like everyone else, he was looking forward to the marriage between Xi Chuneng and Bei Qi.

As long as they marry with Bei Qi, Xi Chu is regarded as raising his eyebrows and exhaling, and he no longer has to fear the union of East Qin and South Vietnam.

Since Xi Chu prepared the ceremony and sent the messenger Zheng Erzhong to Beiqi, they looked forward to the early arrival of the good news.

If you look forward to Yepan today, you finally have it!

Xiao Xizi doesn't miss the original queen very much. He is just like Empress Zhou. He just hopes to marry Beiqi earlier. He doesn't have any big wishes. He just wants to eat and live well in the palace in this life, and live a stable life. .

The people are also waiting for this good news.

They didn't care who was the queen. Whether it was the original queen, Miss Shen Jia, or the three princesses of the Northern Qi Kingdom, it had nothing to do with them.

What they look forward to is peace, stability, and happiness.

These can be fulfilled as long as the three princesses of the Northern Qi Kingdom marry their Xichu.

Thinking of this, Mo Chuan's heart suddenly felt slightly guilty.

He did not regret what he had done, he just felt guilty for letting down the hopes of his mother and the people.

But he always firmly believed that he did nothing wrong.

With his own strength, he will make Xi Chu strong, no longer dependent on others, and no longer restricted by anyone.

To this end, he has been working hard.

It ’s her, Shen Ning has earned herself a whole year of rest and recuperation time. If he does n’t work hard to make the country rich and powerful, what face does he have to face her!

So during this time, in addition to reading the chapters to deal with state affairs, Mo Chuan spent most of his time and energy on training soldiers.

He wants to train an invincible and powerful soldier!

He wants to make Xi Chu strong, let other countries never dare to invade Xi Chu's inch of land, he wants to protect his country, his people, and his most beloved girl!

"Of course I feel happy." Mo Chuan smiled a little.

He cannot let others see the flaws.

"When did you receive the news? Where did the messengers from Beiqi go?" He asked lightly.

"It was just news from Pegasus News that I heard it was almost time for us to come to Kyoto. The empress dowager asked the emperor to hurry up and discuss it." Xiao Xizi said happily, not paying attention to Mochuan's unsmiling smile meaning.

He is the same as himself only when he is emperor, he is really happy.

"it is good."

Mo Chuan lifted his foot and left.

Soon he came to the Shoukang Palace. Before entering the palace gate, he saw Su Jin standing at the gate of the palace. When he saw Mo Chuan's imperial palace, he hurriedly bowed down.

"Slave slaves meet the emperor."

Mo Chuan stepped down and raised his hand slightly: "Aunt Su Jin, don't need to be more courteous, what about your mother?"

Su Jin raised his head and looked at him. The expression on his face could not see whether he was happy or worried. He whispered: "The Queen Mother and the Queen are overjoyed when they get the news.

"Welcome to me?" Mo Chuan was surprised and looked at Su Jin again, thoughtfully.

Su Jin will never wait here for no reason. There must be something to talk to herself quietly.

He coughed a little and said, "Xiao Xizi, it seems that my finger was forgotten in Yushufang. You can get it for me."

Xiao Xizi busy said: "Yes, the emperor."

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