Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2797: Shake off the tail

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Both the boss and the guys straightened their eyes.

Hey, when did the shop have such a handsome young man like it was picked off from the painting?

When did he come in?

Even the guests who tried to dress in the store were stunned, especially the women, whether they were married women or girls who were not out of the cabinet, were all fascinated by the charm of a thousand-faced son. Staring at him instantly.

That scorching eyes almost turned a thousand-faced son into a look.

But the thousand-faced son did not look at these people, and asked the boss expressionlessly: "Where is the back door?"

The boss subconsciously pointed in one direction, and then saw the beautiful young man walked back to the door without looking back.

Until the thousand-faced son walked away without the figure, the talent in the ready-to-wear shop suddenly recovered, and many people still murmured in disbelief.

After changing his men's clothes, Qian Qiangzi was not as eye-catching as he was wearing women's clothes. Although there were still many people who would look at him, he kept his eyebrows down and did not even raise his head.

He walked cautiously for a while, and drilled in a crowded place. He dared not go directly to the position where his companion sent the signal, because he did n’t know if Chu Shaoyang had followed.

The group of stupid men believe that Chu Shaoyang can't be entangled for long, and he will soon find the trick he made.

Although Thousand-faced Master has no skill and can't use light skills, but his ways to avoid tracking are endless.

Confusing, misleading, shifting flowers ...

He used all the available methods, and when he looked back, there was no one behind him.

It was finally dumped.

Thousand-faced son wiped a cold sweat.

But Rao is like this, he still dare not take it lightly, because Chu Shaoyang is really too cunning, beyond his unexpected cunning.

Fighting with Chu Shaoyang, he is not sure of victory.

He continued to circle in the streets and alleys until the third call signal rose to the sky, and the son of Thousand Faces was finally sure that he really got rid of Chu Shaoyang.

Accelerating his steps, he walked in the direction of his companion.

On the most prosperous street in the capital, there is a Wanhua Building, with people flowing in front of it.

At night, this is the busiest place in the whole capital.

It's just that it's daytime, and the guests are far less than at night.

Qianmianzi stood in front of the door of Wanhua Building and looked up.

He was sure that the signal was sent from here.

"Does this son want to drink flower wine? Please come in." A young girl standing in front of the door smiled and came forward, seeing the handsome face of the thousand-faced son, his eyes lit up.

"My name is Xiaolian, pitiful pity. If the son doesn't dislike it, how about letting Xiaolian drink a few cups with him? Xiaolian will also play a good piano and sing a good song." Xiaolian held her with a smile. Thousand-faced son's arm gently pulled him into the door.

She had been working in Wanhualou for almost a year, and for the first time, she saw such a young and handsome young boy. Most of the guests here are full of intestines, or they are covered with copper smell, and there are very few thousand-faced boys.

As long as you look at the robe of a thousand-faced son, she knows that it is valuable. Although it is not very rich, such a good-looking teenager is just paying money to accompany her drink, and she is also happy.

Thousand-faced son followed her into Wanhualou half-push.

The moment he entered the building, he did not forget to turn around and glance around.

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