Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2790: Human face, enthusiasm

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This is the signal of the Lord of the Purple Mountain calling him!

It will only be issued when it is very urgent.

Thousand-faced son's fingers instantly became stiff, and the tight strings broke with his hands.

"What's going on?" Chu Shaoyang frowned unpleasantly.

The beautiful sound of the piano just made him think about it. It seemed that her figure appeared again in front of her, as well as the eyes full of autumn water. But suddenly, the illusion disappeared, and he found out that it was not her who played the piano sitting in front of her. Just a shadow like her.

"The strings are broken." The son of Qianmian said slowly.

It took him a lot of effort to make his tone no different.

"I haven't played the piano in a long time, my hands are born, and the strings are too astringent and need maintenance." He tried to be as natural as possible.

Chu Shaoyang's eyes stared at him like needlepoints.

"It's not that your hand was born, it's your confusion." Chu Shaoyang pointed out sharply.

With a thump in the heart of Master Qianmian, he was not sure if Chu Shaoyang saw the signal just now, but he believed that even if Chu Shaoyang saw it, he would not know the intent of the signal.

"Oh, Lord Chu, you seem to be able to see through people's hearts, but don't you think you are a bit self-righteous?" Qian Qiangzi smiled and sarcastically, turned around and looked at Chu Shaoyang with a smile.

"What happened?" Chu Shaoyang didn't have a smile on his face. He stared at the thousand-faced son with a gleaming gaze.

"Nothing, but I was tired and wanted to go downstairs to walk."

Qianmianzi pushed away Yaoqin, stood up, and walked towards the stairs.

Chu Shaoyang shook his body, already blocking him, and was very close to him.

The two are almost the same height, with their eyes facing their eyes and their noses facing their noses.

Chu Shaoyang's eyes looked like hawk falcons, and he stared at him without any relaxation. As long as the thousand-faced son stepped forward, he could hit Chu Shaoyang's nose.

Thousand-faced Master could not stand, thin lips lightly opened: "Master Chu, don't you allow?"

Chu Shaoyang said coldly: "You never went downstairs before."

"But now I want to go downstairs and walk through it! Breathing in this house all day, I have to suffocate."




Thousand-faced son closed his mouth.

He knew that Chu Shaoyang must have discovered his own strangeness.

During this time, the two of them have become too familiar with each other, and he can't escape Chu Shaoyang's eyes even with a little subtle change.

"You said, if I want to leave, I can go at any time, now I'm leaving here, Lord Chu, don't you want to make a fat talk?" Qian Qiangzi slowly smiled.

Chu Shaoyang didn't laugh.

He looked at the Thousand Faced Son thoughtfully and suddenly let go.

Thousand-faced son didn't expect to let the other party easily let him go in one sentence, he was slightly startled, and he went downstairs step by step.

When he walked into the courtyard, it was a good time when the spring was bright. The flowers bloomed and the flowers floated in the garden.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes comfortably.

When he opened his eyes again, there was suddenly another person in front of him. He didn't even know when this person appeared.

The face of the thousand-faced son changed.

"Master Chu, what are you doing with me?"

"Nothing." Chu Shaoyang smiled faintly.

The sun shone on his face, outlined a pleasing and moving outline, plus he smiled indifferently, difficult to describe.

Thousand-faced prince was so knowledgeable, and he was born with a peerless look. When he saw Chu Shaoyang at this time, he couldn't help but stunned. He thought that this beast was born with such a good look, but unfortunately he has such a beast heart!

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