Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2787: Too lazy to ask

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But he heard Chu Shaoyang's careless tone: "Well, of course I know."

"Why don't you ask me why you want to stab this sword?"

"Too lazy to ask." Chu Shaoyang still did not open his eyes.

He seemed to have no interest in anything.

"Oh, Chu Shaoyang, you can't bear anything except her now? Since you care about her like this, why don't you go down and find her? As long as you die, can't you see her? You are just guilty, knowing that you have done something wrong, afraid to see her, afraid to see her, you are afraid of facelessness! Is n’t it? Chu Shaoyang, you dare not even die, what a manly husband! Do you want If you want me to kill you, I ’m not as good as you want. I just want to make you hurt, but you ca n’t die! "The thousand-faced son said, gritting his teeth, as if he had expressed his hatred full of hatred, The tone was full of resentment.

Chu Shaoyang was still bland.

"This pain is nothing compared to the pain in my heart. I don't die. There is naturally a reason for me to stay alive. I ... I'm not afraid to see her."

His tone suddenly became a little low, and the words of the thousand-faced son seemed to touch some of his feelings.

"When I finish what I am supposed to do, I will naturally go to her. She was originally my wife, but what are you? A man, a boy, a woman, a monster, you claim that she is an aunt, losing money Do you also have a face? You avenge her for it and say it nicely. Is she rare? Does she care? Has she ever looked at you and talked to you? "

Chu Shaoyang's words suddenly became sharp, and every word stabbed him like a knife, making him hurt all over.

"Shut up! Shut up! You shut my mouth!" The Thousand Faced Son shouted sharply, her charming face twisted by anger.

Chu Shaoyang opened his eyes and looked at him, showing a contemptuous expression.

"Take a mirror and look at you now, there is a little bit like her in your ugly appearance! Do you think Yi Rong can become her like her? You dream, you don't even deserve to give her shoes If it were n’t because you would change face, did you think I would let you live to the present? "

Thousand-faced son shocked and shivered, he didn't need to look in the mirror to know that he must be ugly now.

No, you can't be irritated by the beast.

He knew that Chu Shaoyang was deliberately irritating himself, but he couldn't control it, because Chu Shaoyang's words stabbed the weakest and most terrible weakness in his heart.

"Chu Shaoyang, don't force me to do it. Do you really think I can't kill you now?" He gasped, staring at Chu Shaoyang like an evil wolf with his fierce eyes.

"Of course you can, but you dare not." Chu Shaoyang said lightly.

"Me, don't I dare?" The son of Qianmian seemed to hear the big joke.

"You don't dare."

"Haha, ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. Chu Shaoyang, where do you come from confidently saying this? If it weren't for killing you, how could I endure the burden of staying with you for so many days, you know that I stayed just for It's going to kill you! "

Now he and Shen Ning are not at all similar.

Chu Shaoyang suddenly looked away from the face of the thousand-faced son and looked at the pattern on the top of his head, which was also much better than the face of the thousand-faced son.

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