Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2304: I'm not a good baby

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Little girl, do you know my wine is okay? You wait a little longer, and there is a wonderful taste you didn't expect."

Shen Ninggang just wanted to ask, what a wonderful taste, I felt that the raging fire in the stomach gradually extinguished, and a fresh and cool feeling slowly penetrated into the limbs and corpses, and it was uncomfortable, like it was on a hot, three days Suddenly took a bite of cold and sweet ice cream.

"This wine is indeed good." She nodded, and she already had the meaning of a little bit, her body seemed to be soaked in a warm hot spring, as if she could close her eyes and fell asleep immediately.

"Hey, you must not sleep, this pheasant and hare are not baked yet! Hey, hello, little girl!"

The man saw her sit back leaning against the tree trunk again, closed her eyes, couldn't help being anxious, and walked over to push her shoulders and swayed.

Shen Ning opened his eyes and shook his head: "I won't fall asleep."

"The ghost believes you." The man took the skin sac from her hand, he really wanted to intoxicate her, and then talked from her mouth, but that had to wait for him to fill his stomach.

If she was drunk, would you tell him to eat those two dark roasted mud?

The man took another sip of wine, covered it with a stopper, tied the skin around his waist, and fixed his eyes on the two **** of mud roasting on the fire.

He looked up and down, left and right, and he could hardly see that these two things could still be eaten.

Isn't this little girl fooling herself?

He looked at Shen Ning suspiciously.

Shen Ning seemed to have guessed what he thought long ago, and said lightly: "I said that I can eat, and I will definitely eat."

She quickly added another dry wood, and then said: "The wood is not enough, you go to pick up a little more."

"it is good."

Without thinking about it, the man got up and walked into the forest. He picked up a few pieces of dry wood and hugged him in his arms.

This little girl casually told her to be so obedient?

Is she silly or silly herself!

He eagerly picked up a bundle of dry wood, strode back, and threw it in front of her.

"Is it enough?"

"Enough." She glanced, "Go and wash your hands, and you'll eat it right away."

The tone was calm and soft, as if the older sister was talking to her brother.

The man almost wanted to growl out, I'm not your good baby!

But he said nothing, walked silently to the spring, washed his hands, and when he returned to the fire, his eyes widened in amazement and his nose kept moving.

"It's so fragrant, it's so fragrant!"

He stared at the two roasted game in her hands, one tender and the other crisp yellow, with an irresistible aroma exuding hotly.

If it were not for him to see two black mud shells under her feet, he really couldn't imagine that these two wild animals were actually those two black mud.

Shen Ning smiled slightly, facing the man's mouth-watering appearance, tearing a rabbit leg and a chicken leg recklessly, and tossing the remaining half of the pheasant and hare to him.

The man hurried to catch it, not bothering to burn his mouth, and opened his mouth to bite the hot pheasant.

The chicken was tender and tender, more delicious than the one he had eaten at noon. He ate the majority of the chicken with only a few bones in three bites, and then went to nibble the hare.

Compared with the man's gobbling appearance, Shen Ning was much more elegant, but she didn't eat slowly. The man finished the rabbit, and the rabbit legs and chicken legs in her hand had just been resolved.

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