Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning ’s first reaction was, Mo Chuan!

"Since it's here, why don't you hide from showing up? Come out!" She bit her lip, took a deep breath, and raised her voice.

There was no sound around, only the rustle of wind blowing over the treetops.

After waiting for a while, she never saw Mo Chuan's appearance, and was too lazy to bother to pick up the pheasant and walk to the stream to clean it and put it on the fire.

Not long after, the fragrance overflowed, and the tempting index finger moved.

"It smells so good."

Suddenly, a voice rang behind her, close at hand, and she didn't hear any sound beforehand.

There were dried leaves around her, and even a person with the best light skills would step on to make a slight rustling sound, but she didn't even know who came from behind, which showed how high the light skills of this person had reached.

Mochuan is one of the few people who have such superb skills in this world.

Hearing the voice from behind, Shen Ning was not surprised. What surprised her was that this was the voice of a strange man, not Mochuan at all.

She turned around, but found that there was no one behind her.

"Humph, pretend to be a ghost." She grunted and looked back at the roast pheasant on the shelf, only to find the golden roasted pheasant disappeared.

"It tastes so good, very good!" A voice of praise rang from above her head, and then a chicken wing that had been gnawed and polished was thrown in front of her.

Shen Ning raised his head and saw two legs hanging down from the branches above his head. The man's upper body was hidden in the thick leaves, and he could only vaguely see that he was a man, but he could not see the man's face.

The exposed legs were wearing straw sandals, and the trousers were ragged, looking like a farm hunter.

But how can Orion have such a good skill?

"This pheasant seems to belong to me. Your Excellency took it out, is it unreasonable?" She only looked at the man in the tree, and then looked away, her voice said coldly.

"Your? Who said it is yours? This is clearly mine!" The man in the tree said in an exaggerated tone, his voice clear and powerful.

This made Shen Ning even more certain that he never knew this person.

But this does not mean anything.

"If you want to eat, you can talk, I might give you this pheasant, but what is your behavior like stealing?"

"Steal? Who said I stole it! Obviously you stole my chicken!" The man in the tree cried, his legs flicked and jumped from the tree.

Shen Ning looked up and found that he was a tall young man, but he was in his early twenties, dressed in a farmer ’s hunter ’s dress, a thick rag shirt, surrounded by half a piece of animal skin, with a short bow behind his back and a waist Don't cut a hatchet.

He stared at her fiercely, with a sigh of relief on his face.

In the wild mountains and wilderness, I suddenly met a strange man who was murderous, fearing that any woman would be terrified when she saw it.

"This chicken was baked by me, and I cleaned it. There are chicken feathers that I pulled out, so this chicken is of course mine. Your lord said that this chicken is yours. Is there any evidence?"

Shen Ning pointed to the feathers and giblets on the ground, and said nonchalantly.

There was no fear on her quiet face, and no panic.

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