Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2289: Give me back

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His eyes followed the bottle, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Over the past few days, Wang Ye has held the bottle like a baby, never letting go of his hand, let alone the porcelain to leave him a half step, now he actually dropped the bottle by hand.

Gee, as expected, men are both new and old.

When I saw this fairy-like beauty, I immediately forgot the dead bride.

Hey, right, isn't the prince blind? Even if this girl looks beautiful, the prince should not see it!

The housekeeper unbelievably stretched his hand and scratched his scalp, his face full of incomprehension.

Chu Shaoyang ’s move made everyone surprised and caught off guard, even the thousand-faced son did n’t react. He only felt that Chu Shaoyang ’s arm was tightly tied around his waist like a big iron hoop. He almost breathless.

"Chu Shaoyang, let me go, you bastard, beast ..." He gritted his teeth.

If he hadn't lost his skill, Chu Shaoyang had already become a dead person.

But now he is unable to break free.

Tuobazheng wiped his face before he realized what had happened. When he saw the thousand-faced son struggling in Chu Shaoyang's arms like a chicken caught by an eagle, he rushed forward.

"Brother Chu, let go of her! Your friend's wife can't play, she is the wife of the younger brother, you can't be rude to her! You let go of thousands!"

He pulled Chu Shaoyang's arms hard, but he was still.

Chu Shaoyang's hand seemed to be cast on Qianqian's body.

He suddenly flew a kick, which kicked right on Tuobazheng's chest, and Tuobazheng was caught off guard. His body flew away like a kite with a broken line, and "bang" fell on the green in the yard. It took a long time to get up on the stone floor.

"Asshole Chu Shaoyang! You dare to kick this prince, you ..."

Tuobazheng was furious, and scrambled to get up. When he looked back, his eyes widened.

Because Chu Shaoyang had entered the room holding the son of Thousand Faces, and slammed the door.

"Chu Shaoyang, you **** bastard, what are you going to do! She is the prince's woman, do you dare to be rude to her? Lao Tzu fights with you!"

Tuoba Zheng red eyes, rushed forward without any care, kicked the door open.

In the room, Chu Shaoyang turned back suddenly and said sharply, "Get out!"

"Asshole, it's you who got out! Chu Shaoyang, I was so deserved that I thought of you as a brother, but you thought of I as a rag, and actually teased the woman of Laozi in the face of Laozi! "

Tuoba Zheng's angry and violent scolding, rushed towards Chu Shaoyang without thinking, slamming a punch at the opponent's nose.

Although Chu Shaoyang didn't look at things, he easily flicked away after listening to the wind, and grasped Tuobazheng's wrist with his backhand. He squeezed hard, and Tuobazheng only felt half-numb. , Unable to move.

"The second prince, the king doesn't want to embarrass you, why do you bother the king again and again!"

"Chu Shaoyang, what you said is not human language! Obviously you robbed my beloved woman, you actually said I was disturbing you! You returned me thousands of thousands!" Tuobazheng red eyes, hissed and cried. .

Seeing that Qian Qian was surrounded by Chu Shaoyang's arms, Chu Chu's delicate appearance made Tuoba Zheng's lungs burst.

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