Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2278: No longer owe you

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Chu Shaoyang!

Sure enough, until now, the person she couldn't put down was still Chu Shaoyang!

Since that night, she never mentioned Chu Shaoyang again, which made him extravagantly thinking that she had forgotten the man who had hurt her, and she had slowly accepted him.

But she actually mentioned Chu Shaoyang's name again.

Mochuan's knuckle knuckles were pale with force.

"No, he is not dead." He said quietly, but his voice could not hide the bitterness and jealousy.

"It's okay without dying." She turned back suddenly, her clear water eyes falling on his face.

Seeing the silver mask on his face, she just shook her body slightly, but didn't show any surprise.

During this time, she was already familiar with him wearing the mask, and Mochuan who had removed the mask, she was not familiar with it, and she did not know how to face it.

It ’s still good.

She is relaxed, so is he.

"Are you going to sleep with me?" She raised her eyelashes softly.

Mo Chuan could hardly believe his ears.

what? what does she say?

He could not answer for a while, because her tone and expression were too calm, just like asking him: Do you want to eat with me?


He spit out a word from his throat, then strode towards her, the mask on his face gave him courage.

Pick her up and walk towards the bed and put her on the bed.

She lay flat, motionless, and looked straight at the top of the tent, without looking at him.

This made him want to hug her suddenly lost courage.

He exhaled, blew out the candle, and lay down beside her.

Her hair was right next to his face, itchy. He didn't reach out and flicked it, but took a deep breath.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask, and I will tell you what you want to know." He said softly, turning his head to look at her intently.

She was still lying on her back, although the candles were extinguished, but the moonlight outside was very good, shining through the window paper, and lightly covering her face with a layer of veil, making her like an illusory figure.

After hearing his words, she blinked slowly, but didn't turn her eyes to see him.

"I don't want to ask anything." She said lightly.

Mo Chuan was silent.

"So ... do you hate me?" He clenched his fists and finally asked.

She blinked her eyes again and looked at him slowly, a calm wave of light at the bottom of her eyes.

"No hate." She spit out two words gently.

Mo Chuan couldn't help closing his eyes, and when he opened it again, his eyes were full of excitement.


She suddenly interrupted him: "I don't hate you, but I won't love you either. You saved me, so you have the right to demand remuneration. I have used your body to pay off your debts, so I don't What do you owe you? "

Mo Chuan's pupils contracted suddenly.

what does she say?

Debt repayment?

She thought all he wanted was to pay off the debt?

He clenched his teeth and didn't speak, but his breathing was no longer calm.

"If you don't think it's enough twice, you can do whatever you want tonight, I won't refuse." She said looking directly at his eyes, "I just want you to promise me, can you let me go tomorrow morning?" "

His body shook and stared at her closely.

"Let you go?" He murmured.

"Yes, maybe we used to be couples who have been to heaven and earth, but we haven't been able to complete the ceremony of the cave. Now I owe you to you, and no longer have your shadow in my memory." Said calmly.

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