Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2276: Another way of prisoner

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

She closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyelids, making her face extremely white.

Mo Chuan didn't close his eyes, he lay down beside her, his two hands were placed on his thighs, and she didn't even touch a corner of her clothes.

Sleeping in bed with her for so long, this is the first night he didn't hug her to sleep.

After he discovered that he had removed the mask from her, he had a feeling of being stripped naked, leaving him at a loss.

These days, he has become accustomed to that mask, and likes it. He seems to have become a stranger while wearing a mask. He can do things that he dare not dare to do with his true face if.

He sighed again, got up and picked up the mask that fell on the bed. The cold and smooth mask started. He felt a precipitation in his heart and put the mask on his face again.

Stretching out his arms, he silently hugged her into his arms.

She did not fall asleep, but did not resist, nor struggled, let him hug herself, and never opened her eyes.

A sleepless night passed, and the next day, he took her on the carriage and hurried again.

Everything seems to be the same as before.

She does not speak, nor does he speak.

It was just that her hands and feet were freed, he no longer tied her, she could move freely in the carriage, but she knew that she was still a prisoner, but just another prisoner.

If there is any difference from the previous one, it is that he no longer sits beside her, guarding her momentarily.

She was the only one in the carriage, listening to the boring sound of the wheels, she leaned back on the couch, closed her eyes, and couldn't help falling asleep.

Although she kept her eyes closed last night, she never fell asleep. She knew that he was not asleep either.

Lying in his arms, her brain was blank, but she felt empty.

This empty feeling has always been with her. She feels that she has become a walking dead, and she has lost her mind except eating and sleeping.

She dared not think about it, nor did she want to think about it. In the bumps of the carriage, listening to the monotonous wheels, she fell asleep slowly.

I don't know how long it has passed until she stopped when the carriage stopped.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was in a hotel again. She was lying on a soft and comfortable bed. You do n’t need to know that these mattresses and other things were prepared by him in advance, and Not something from the original inn.

She sat up slowly, and there was no second person in the room except for her.

This was somewhat beyond her expectations, but it was reasonable to think about it.

Since she removed his mask, she has never seen him again, but she knows that he must have carried himself into the room and placed it on the bed.

With a squeak, the door was pushed open.

Shen Ning couldn't help looking in the direction of the room door, only to see a teenage boy in a blue shirt with a clear face, but a blank expression on his face. After entering the door, he didn't look at her.

The Tsing Yi teenager put the food box in his hand on the table and threw it coldly.

"Let's eat."

His voice was a little sharp, and when he had finished speaking, he turned away without looking back, and then slammed it into the door.

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