Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2272: Don't give you a chance to die

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He didn't want to let himself take a shower at all, but wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take a bath.

"You let me go! Bastard!" She was so angry that she actually fell in love with him.

"Don't move, I just take a bath for you. If you move, the consequences are at your own risk." The man's low voice came through the mask.

She was speechless and stared at him tightly with little animal-like eyes.

"Are you talking?" She gritted her teeth.

"You can give it a try." The man picked up the side of the pancreatic cream and applied it gently to her shoulder, rubbing it slowly.

This kind of pancreatic paste is the most original soap for her from modern times, but in this era, it is very scarce and extremely expensive. The price of this small pancreatic paste is not less than the same volume of gold.

The pancreatic cream has a fresh floral fragrance, rich foam, and it feels very comfortable to rub on the body. Of course, if she is coated with her own hand, she will feel more comfortable.

But the thought of this man is taking this opportunity to ** his body, her skin all shuddered.

"I can wash myself."

She tried to control the anger in her heart and wanted to grab the pancreatic cream from the man's hand, but the man did not let go, her strength was like a dragonfly shaking a stone pillar.

"You will? No, you will not, you will only drown yourself, I will not give you this opportunity again."

The scornful voice of the man emerged from behind the mask. He turned her around effortlessly and began to apply pancreatic cream to her back. The fat belly with a thin cocoon rubbed against her smooth skin. Give her a burst of strange feelings.

The waves were rippling and beating her body.

She bit her lip hard, but she couldn't control the restlessness induced by his sex.

Her breathing began to become rapid, and the man behind him breathed more quickly than her, but his movements were still not slow. After washing her back, he held her arms and slowly turned her around. .

"Now, it's time to wash the front." He said slowly.

Her face was already red and hot.

The water must be too hot, she thought.

"I ... I washed myself ..." She bit her tongue hard and let herself wake up from the confusion.

A voice in my heart kept calling, stop, let him stop! No more!

Her voice stopped abruptly, the man's hot and hot lips fell on her lips, blocking what she was about to say.

At the same time, a wet cloth covered her eyes.

The tip of his tongue pressed against her teeth, panting between her lips and teeth, breathing tightly.

"I decided to gossip." The man said low and short.

Her heart was pounding, almost out of her cavity, her hands guarding her chest, desperately resisting his approach.

Self-esteem told her that she must resist the end. She must never let him succeed. She opened her mouth and wanted to swear and scold, but was caught by the tip of his tongue, bringing a burning pressure and instantly let her breathless Come.

She felt a sudden despair, knowing that she would resist in vain because she could not stop him compared to his strength.

"Relax, I don't want you to hurt." The man gasped.

She tried her best to push the man away, gasped, and said hoarsely and firmly: "No!"

The man gave a smirk from his chest: "Now say no, it's too late."

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