Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2270: This man is sick

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But today the man did not come over, but clapped his hands.

What is he going to do?

Shen Ning looked at him suspiciously.

The door was quickly pushed open, and several shops, Xiaoeryu, came in and brought bath tubs, hot water, and screens in the room.

Soon, a simple clean room was ready to be completed, the steam was steaming behind the screen, and a large bathtub was filled with hot water.

After the second boys in the shop exited, the man tightened the door and turned his head:

"Go bathe."

When she saw the bath tub and hot water, Shen Ning really had a urge to take a shower.

She had n’t taken a bath in several days, and every night she was held in the arms of this man to sleep, she felt that she was covered with the smell of this man.

"You go out." She pointed out the door.

The man seemed to chuckle slightly and shook his head slowly.

"I'm not going out." He folded his arms around his chest and looked at her calmly.

This gesture showed his determination.

Shen Ning bit his lip, fighting fiercely inside.

Wash it or not?

It is obviously impossible for this man to avoid it, but if he takes a bath in front of him, God knows what he will do.

She knew that the screen was nothing to him.

"If you don't go out, I won't wash." She lifted her chin and decided to fight this man to the end.

The man nodded and stepped towards her.

"You don't wash it, I'll wash it for you," he said briefly.

"Stop!" Shen Ning couldn't help but get angry, she knew this man would definitely do it.

There are only two choices before her, one is to wash by herself, and the other is to wash her by the man.

The man stopped in front of her, his tall figure blocked the candlelight behind him, and his mask was covered in a shadow.

"I don't want to sleep with a dirty and smelly woman every night." He said slowly.

Shen Ning only felt that the whole body's blood rushed to her head. At this moment, she really wanted to slap her face hard against the man's face.

Is there any more shameless and shameless man under the sky?

She was trembling with anger, biting her teeth hard to control the urge to kill.

He tied her up every day, and still found her dirty and smelly?

"Bird ..." She was about to scold, and the man raised his finger and shook her warningly.

"I said, I don't like those two words, you better not to export again, otherwise I'm afraid I will do something bad for you." The man said unhurriedly.

"Asshole, you are dirty and smelly!" She changed her anger in angrily, not because she was afraid of him, but because she didn't want to give him reasons to invade herself.

"I'm not dirty or smelly, do you want to smell it?" The man approached her suddenly.

"Go away, don't touch me!"

She retreated immediately, but behind her was the bed board, and there was no retreat.

The man grabbed her by the waist, and she pressed herself into his arms.

His body exudes a clear, good smell, which is unique to him.

She could n’t help thinking, this man really loves cleanliness, he bathes and dresses every day, and takes care of himself refreshingly, but he has n’t been bathed for several days, and his body smells, but he But every night I hold her in my arms and refuse to let go, is it ill!

Before waiting for her to recover, the man hugged her and strode behind the screen.

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