Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2256: There are many opinions

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Are these guards all blind or deaf or fool? He didn't want Tuobazheng to come back at all. He didn't want it at all. He didn't even want to see the devil.

"You let me ..." He wanted to lure these guards, but the guards shook their heads and interrupted him.

"Thousands of girls, what you say is useless, we will not let you go, the master's command is to order, unless we don't want to die." The guards left him again after feeding him enough. He shouted his throat and no longer appeared in front of him.

"You make it clear what the **** is going on? How could Lord Chu's Xitang catch on fire? His bride was really burnt to death?"

The guards asked curiously.

The thousand-faced son in the room also raised his ears and closed his mouth. He was shocked by the news he had just heard, and could hardly believe what he heard.

Was King Chu's bride burned to death?

Lord Chu's bride ... yes ... yes ...

Thousand-faced son dare not think about it.

He shook his head desperately, telling himself that it was impossible, if he was wrong, then it could not be her! Never possible!

But the words of the guards came into his ears very clearly.

"It really burned to death. I heard that at the time, Lord Chu was like crazy, saving people in the fire, and all the guests present were rescued. But without his bride, Lord Chu was fainted on the spot. Fortunately, he was rescued by his guards, or else ... "

"Ah, it's a pity that I heard that Princess Chu's newly-married princess was beautiful as a fairy, and such a fairy-like beauty was actually burnt to death. It's a pity. Gee."

Thousand-faced son's face became bloodless, his eyes wide open, and he unconsciously glared at the tent, as if to hear nothing.

Dreaming yourself must be dreaming!

All the words I heard are all dreams, this is not true!

"Isn't it! I heard that Chu Chu is also preparing to hold candles in front of the guests and his bride's cave, but I don't know what happened, suddenly there was a fire, yeah, this fire is really not the time, waste A good show! "

"Public candles in the public room with the bride? Are you right? How could such a thing be done in broad daylight?"

"Why am I wrong! My youngest uncle's second aunt told me personally that at the time, Mr. Chu pressed the bride to the happy case and tore her wedding dress, and it was a good thing in one step ..."

"The bride did not resist, so did Lord Chu do whatever he wanted?"

"Of course I didn't resist. The bride seemed to enjoy it very much. She whispered something with Master Chu. It is estimated that she wanted to make Master Chu lighter. She was afraid of pain ... Haha, hahaha!"

"Huh, this bride is really shameless. Doing this kind of thing in a large audience, this fire is well done!"

"Unfortunately, we were not able to see the appearance of the bride at the scene. I heard that she not only looks good, but also has a curvy figure, which makes you breathless at first sight."

"Unfortunately, it's a pity that it burned to death. It's really a pity, if we can touch it ..."

The guards laughed in a low voice, and they laughed wildly and wickedly.

Thousand-faced son's teeth were almost broken.

He shouted suddenly.

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