Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2249: Obedient "Go"

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After he finished speaking, he took the ointment and began to apply her burns.

She clenched her teeth without saying a word, and at the same time closed her eyes tightly, not looking at the cold mask of the man. She was afraid that after seeing it, she could not help but scream and can't help gagging.

Sure enough, the man said he did, he just applied medicine to her wounds, and did not take the opportunity to lighten her.

She just hoped he would get out quickly after finishing the medicine.

The two of them did not speak, and there was silence in the carriage, only the sound of the wheel of the wheel rang monotonously.

After the man put the medicine on her back, he took a dress and prepared to help her put it on.

"I will do it myself."

She gritted her teeth and tried to push his hand away, but she didn't move at all.

"You still have strength? It seems that I did not do enough last night."

The man's face became hot as soon as the man said something, and then an anger burst from his chest.

"Beast!" She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes again.

She thought that this body was not her own.

The man helped her get dressed. The smooth material was soft and light. She knew that the material was valuable without looking at it.

But she was not grateful at all.

No matter how expensive the cloth is, it hasn't been torn into rags by him.

After getting dressed, the man did not leave, but continued to remain silent.

She waited for a while, opened her eyes impatiently and glared at him.

"You ..." The man seemed to hesitate before slowly speaking: "Is there any pain there?"

"Where? Where?" She froze for a moment, and then her face became hot again, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Go!"

The man got out of the car very obediently.

But the heat on her face didn't come down for a long time. It felt like a fire was burning in her heart, making her hot and irritable. What happened last night was like a nightmare.

After a while, she slowly moved her body, and a sore discomfort made her unable to help but grunted again.

Jerk! Damn the beast!

He tortured her all night, even though she didn't seem to let her go after she fell asleep, otherwise she would never be as feeble as now.

She closed her eyes and was ready to take a nap. Now she has a headache and can't think at all.

When she wakes up and recovers her energy, she will surely come up with a way to deal with the beast and the demon!

She slept again in a daze, even when the carriage stopped.

A strong pair of arms picked her up, and she still didn't wake up. The arms were warm. She shrank subconsciously into the arms, and continued to sleep.

She hopes that when she wakes up, she will find that all this is a dream, a nightmare!

But it turned out to be contrary to her wish. When she opened her eyes again, the first thing she saw was the silver mask, which was cold and hard. Even the orange candlelight shining on it did not bring a little warmth.

Close at hand!

Her first reaction was to close her eyes immediately.

She didn't want to see the demon just after waking up, he was just like a ghost!

Then she heard a smirk that seemed to come from her chest.

The devil smiled?

Yes, he has reason to laugh, because all he wants is satisfied and satisfied, what else does he want from her!

Shen Ning closed his eyes tightly and spit out a word from his teeth:


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