Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2246: It's her

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

She drank four cups of tea in one breath before she felt that her throat was no longer so hot and that her consciousness slowly recovered.

"Hiss--" She wanted to move her body, but suddenly felt a pain, and could not help but hissed, frowning.

"Does it still hurt? I've taken your medicine ..." The low, hoarse voice said in her ear.

Shen Ning's consciousness became more sober. She opened her eyes slowly. What she saw was a silver-white mask, which was close at hand, and she took a breath.

"Is ... you?" Her voice trembled, and a huge fear hit her heart, making her almost unsteady.

"It's me." The man said in a low voice.

Shen Ning only felt dark in front of her eyes, almost fainting again.

The man helped her in time and let her lean on her chest.

She settled in, opened her eyes slowly, and saw the cold mask, and she began to shake involuntarily.

"Are you cold?" The man hugged her tightly, and his body was hot, just like the stove held tightly in her dream.

It was like a pot of cold water pouring on her body, causing her to start cold all over, her teeth clucked twice.

"How can it tremble? Is it a fever?" The man reached out in disbelief and placed it on her forehead, finding that the temperature was not high.

"Ning'er, you ..." Before he finished, she suddenly raised a hand and fell heavily on his face.

"Beast!" She scolded, clenching her teeth, pushing away the man's hand vigorously, shaking her way to get up.

But her whole body was sore and weak, especially the two legs were like noodles. Before she stood up straight, she fell softly.

The man stretched out his arm and she fell into his arms.

"It turns out ... last night's beast, it was you!" She almost bit her lip and stared at the cold mask with murderous eyes.

She had exhausted all her strength in the palm just now, but it fell on his mask as if it was blown by the breeze.

"Yes, it's me." The man admitted frankly without thinking.

Although he could not see his expression through the mask, but Shen Ning could imagine that the face under the mask must be proud and satisfied.

He really should be proud and satisfied.

She didn't know how long he had asked her after she had fallen asleep. She only knew that the bones on her body were scattered and she couldn't move a small finger.

The most terrible thing is not this, but her ... she was actually confused as Mochuan last night!

"I ... I didn't control myself last night," the man's voice rang quietly, "but I didn't force you, I gave you a chance, it's you ..."

Before he finished speaking, she screamed violently:

"Stop talking, you shut up! You shut up!" She covered her ears hard and buried her face deeply into the quilt.

The man didn't speak anymore, and those thick black ink eyes looked at her through the mask without looking at them.

Her head was stuck in the quilt and she could hardly gasp, but she didn't want to gasp at all, because she was already so angry that she wanted to die.

How did you make such a big mistake, how could you treat this beast as Mochuan?

She thought vaguely that the man did not lie, he did not force her, at the last moment, he opened her blindfolded red scarf, let her open her eyes to see him, she was stubborn to refuse to open her eyes , It's her ... self-reliance!

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