Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2241: Man's contempt

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She couldn't help but shudder.

He didn't give her a chance to speak again, his long arms stretched out, and she already hugged her horizontally.

Her teeth giggled twice.

"How are you doing?" She gritted her teeth.

"How is it?" The man seemed to think she asked a very stupid question, and said slowly: "After worshiping the world, it is natural to enter the cave, here is our cave, lady, we should sleep in a wide coat."

Shen Ning's lips had been bitten by her, and her mouth was filled with a faint smell.

This really lifted the stone and smashed his foot.

She now feels that this man is not a beast, but an out-and-out lunatic!

Why didn't she see that there was a problem in the other person's head, if she knew he was a lunatic, she would never use this method to deal with him.

What should we do now? What method should she use to stop this maniac?

"You don't have to think about running away from me. You can't run away from me. In this life, I won't let you step away from me." The man saw through her mind again, holding her arm tight.

The man's gaze wandered around the room. The large hi bed had collapsed, but there was a couch beside him. He strode towards the couch, placed her on the couch, and began to undress slowly.

While undressing, she looked down upon her from the top.

Shen Ning's heart thumped and throbbed. Although her hands and feet were able to move, she felt like a little rabbit that fell into the eagle's claws. No matter how she struggled, she could not escape the fate of being eaten.

Her left hand was still tightly holding the hairpin stained with his blood stains.

Would you like to be surprised again?

Thoughts were quickly circling in her head.

Only the man chuckled atop her head.

"Do you think a broken hairpin can kill me? I advise you to give up that idea, and you will never kill me."

The man's words seemed to drip in a pot of cold water.

Shen Ning suddenly gritted her teeth and said coldly: "Yes, I can't kill you, but I can kill myself."

Her words were not down, the hairpins in her hands had been stabbed in her throat, and the hands were fierce, fast and firm.

But no matter how fast she is, it's no faster than a man's movements.

When her hairpin was half an inch from her throat, the man's big palm slammed her wrist. She only felt a sharp pain, she released her fingers involuntarily, and the hairpin "ding" fell off on the ground.

The man flew a foot, and the hairpin became a meteor. He broke through the window paper and flew away from a distance.

The man kept working, and the big palm groped for a while on her head, pulled out another hairpin that she didn't hold in her hair, and threw it away.

"What weapon do you have, eh?" The man said in a low voice.

The contempt and teasing in his tone instantly ignited her anger, and she burst out at once, like an angry lion.

"Yes! I can't kill you, nor can I kill myself! But you better kill me now, otherwise I will kill you in the future, I will let you live as bad as you can!"

Her face flushed with anger, and her eyes burst into flames. One was because of anger, and the other was because since the man appeared, she has always been in a situation where she was beaten but not returned.

All her tricks were like children's plays in front of this man, and they were easily seen through.

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