Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He stretched out his hand involuntarily and took her hand, her fingers trembling in his palm, like a slippery little fish, he slipped out with little care, he held her tightly, gently Around, she plunged into his arms.

The man's palm embraced her waist, and her waist was slender enough to grip, as if it would break with a slight pinch, the man's heart pounded, and the palm supported her soft waist , Dare not force, nor let go.

His nervous and frantic heartbeat sounded clear to his ears, and Shen Ning fell to his chest, laughing lightly.

"Husband, won't you remove the hijab for me?" She floated out from under the hijab with a playful voice, soft and soft, like a small hair brush, tickled across the man's heart.

The man settled down and recovered from the confusion.

He took a breath and took off the red silk scarf on her head. At first glance, she saw her flowery smile.

Her eyes were clear and bright, deep and dark, like a black grape soaked in water mist, and her eyes were filled with a gentle smile.

"Husband, am I pretty?" Her lips curled up like a blooming lily.

"Good-looking." The man rolled his throat and couldn't help but swallow, and his eyes fell on her rosy lips.

She heard his heart beating fast and fast, and as long as she hinted a little, he would kiss her lips without hesitation.

But she didn't want to do this.

She raised her eyelashes and smiled lightly.

"Fujun, I want to see you too. I don't know if you take off the mask and look good too. Can you show me your face?"

She lifted her face and exhaled like a blue, the voice of "Fujun" was softer and glutinous, like a hint of honey, so sweet that all people's hearts would melt away.

The man nodded like he was bewitched.

"Okay." His voice was barely audible.

She smiled softly, raised her right arm on his shoulder, the man was really tall, she had to raise her head to see his mask.

Her left hand also slowly lifted and touched the cold silver mask.

The man did not dodge, standing in front of her like a stone statue, two arms around her waist, letting her fingers touch her in his mask.

"This mask is so delicately carved and really beautiful. I don't know what you will look like under the mask." She whispered.

The man lowered his head slightly, staring at her.

"Perhaps it will surprise you, or it may surprise you." He said lowly and hoarsely.

"Really? But I'm so brave, maybe I won't be afraid."

She chuckled softly, and her fingers moved slowly to the back of his head to remove the silk thread on the mask.

The man held his breath and looked at her through the gap in the mask, without blinking.

Suddenly, a sharp tingling burst out of his neck.

His muscles tightened, and she grabbed her left hand violently.

A hairpin dyed with blood was clenched tightly in her palm, and the pointed hairpin was dripping blood.

That's his blood!

"Are you going to kill me?" He gritted his teeth, each word squeezed out of his teeth.

what a pity!

Such a once-in-a-lifetime chance, he still failed to stab him with a hairpin.

Shen Ning shrugged a little regretfully, and said lightly: "Yes, I want to kill you, but unfortunately failed."

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