Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2219: Temporary blindness

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Tuobazheng nodded and patted his shoulder, this time Chu Shaoyang did not avoid him.

"Yeah, this **** sky is really dark, there are no stars and no moon, and the prince can't see anything. You have been drowsy and do not wake up. The housekeeper worried that the light would disturb you, so he did not tell them to light up. People are really useless. They do n’t light up when they wake up. It ’s a good lesson. Brother Chu, you do n’t need to be restless. You will light up soon, and you will see soon. ”

Chu Shaoyang seemed relieved. He nodded at Tuobazheng and said, "Thank you, Second Prince ..."

The voice did not fall, and Tuobazheng's right hand suddenly clicked a little on his sleeping hole.

Chu Shaoyang didn't have any precautions. His eyes were black and he fell asleep.

Tuoba Zheng helped him to the bed and lay down again, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled bitterly.

"Brother Chu, you have to blame me. I am also doing it for your own good. You sleep peacefully for a while and wait for the doctor to come to help you diagnose it and see if your eye is wrong. Old God bless, do n’t be blind. "

Tuobazheng muttered while looking out eagerly.

This time the prince doctor came quickly, not only one, but the prince doctors of the entire prince hospital came out.

The emperor got the news that the steward had sent him into the palace, and immediately made the imperial order, so that the doctors from the Tai Hospital would see Chu Shaoyang together.

This is the **** of war in the army, if it is really invisible, it is a big thing!

The doctors gathered around the couch and stepped forward one by one for Chu Shaoyang. After finishing the pulse, they all retreated aside, frowning and thinking hard.

"How is it? Brother Chu's eyes are going on? You doctors have finished the pulse, can you fart?"

Tuobazheng waited for a long time, and all the doctors were frowning and thoughtful. No one spoke, and he was grumpy and suddenly got angry.

All the doctors knew that he was a master who did not agree with each other. When he beat people, he didn't look at who the other person was, and he, together with the brothers and sisters of the prince, would have suffered because of his verbal offense.

How dare they offend Tuobazheng, and said: "Don't worry, Your Second Highness, Lord Chu's injury is not a big deal. Just let him rest for a while and he will wake up."

Tuobazheng was annoyed and slapped in the past.

"The prince asked his eyes!"

The talking doctor received a big mouth, but lowered his head without saying a word. All doctors lowered their heads when they heard the words "eyes".

"Speak! Are you all dumb? You! As far as you are concerned, tell this prince what is going on! Brother Chu his eyes ... are they really invisible?"

Tuoba Zheng grabbed a doctor's collar and asked angrily.

The Taiji secretly called out of luck. How could the demon king of the world grab himself, but he didn't dare to answer.

"Your Highness, don't worry, Lord Chu's eyes ... eyes ... it should be fine. I checked it for Lord Chu, maybe it was only temporary ... temporarily blind, it should be better after a while." That doctor It's also anxious, stuttering this, but when I heard Tuobazheng's ear, I was relieved.

Tuobazheng smiled on his face, loosened the collar of the doctor, and patted him praisefully.

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