Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2217: Candle light

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

unlucky! It's really ugly!

A big man like him innocent, was actually embraced by another big man, but this was the first time in his life that a man was rude, he has not lost his temper. .

Looking at his stinky face, it seemed that he took the initiative to embrace him, so that he could not avoid it.

This **** boy, if he had n’t seen him just waking up and was unconscious, he had to teach him a good meal!

"Brother Tuoba, thank you."

As soon as he stepped out of the front door, he heard a deep voice behind him.

Tuobazheng turned back violently and strode to the bed with a big smile on his angry face.

"Haha, Brother Chu, we are all our brothers. What kind of thank you! Are you too out of sight! By the way, this prince wants to tell you something, this fire was intentionally put on , But it ’s a pity that none of the arsonists caught ... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Chu Shaoyang frowned and interrupted him.

"Brother Tuoba, why is it so dark that there is no candle in the room?"

Tuoba Zheng froze for a moment, then looked up at the window.

"Black? Isn't it dark? It's still bright. What candle?"

This was the afternoon when the sun was the strongest in the day. The bright sunlight penetrated the window paper and the whole room was bright.

He looked at Chu Shaoyang wonderingly, grinning and laughing again.

"Haha, Brother Chu, are you still awake? You have your eyes wide open and take a good look, look at me Tuoba Zheng!"

He found that although Chu Shaoyang had his eyes open, his eyes were very dull, without the slightest agility in the past, his eyes hardly moved.

"Bright? Now ... is it daytime?" Chu Shaoyang frowned again.

"Of course it is daytime, can't you see it?" Tuoba Zheng said casually.

Chu Shaoyang's body shook. He closed his eyes. After a while, he opened it again. His eyes were still blood red, and his eyes were as glorious as before.

"Yes, I can't see it." He took a breath and suddenly waved his hand, sweeping the medicine bowl on the bedside to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Fool me! You lie to me! It's not daytime at all! Light the candle! Let them light the candle!"

He shouted frantically, his voice shattered, and even the butler who had just come back and stepped into the entrance of the courtyard heard it. His face was pleasantly surprised, and he ran in in two steps.

Tuoba Zheng dumbfounded at Chu Shaoyang.

"Brother Chu, you are not awake yet, it is really daytime, how can you light candles during the daytime? You will not be burnt by the fire, will you? Wait, I will ask you to ask the doctor to come ... … "

As soon as he turned around, he just bumped into the butler who just ran in.

"My lord ... my lord awakened ... ouch! The servant **** it, the servant accidentally ran into His Royal Highness ..."

The housekeeper was in a panic, not knowing what to do, and was busy asking Tuoba Zheng for guilt.

Tuobazheng grabbed him and shouted, "You came just right, your prince woke up, but his mind was not awake, he just, just now ..."

He almost burst out and said: He just hugged me and shouted Ning'er, and finally swallowed the words, otherwise if he spread it, he wouldn't know how many good people would chew his tongue.

"What happened to the prince just now?" The butler asked worriedly.

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