Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The fire was blazing, and there was fire everywhere on the big joy hall.

Now the rockets are no longer shot outside, but the fire caused by the rockets is getting hotter and fiercer, and even the paintings hanging on the lobby are starting to burn.

The smoke was thick in Xitang, and Chu Shaoyang was coughing repeatedly, but there was no panic in his face, because he knew that no matter how big the fire was, he would not burn him!

What can be burned is those high-ranking officials who do n’t have any martial arts at all!

"No, the door is closed, we can't get out!"

"Chu Shaoyang, what a poisonous heart, he wanted to make us a roast pig alive!"

"Fight, let's fight Chu Shaoyang!"

The people trapped by the fire turned around and wanted to find Chu Shaoyang desperately.

But the smoke or fire in the hall, they could not see anything, and they didn't know where Chu Shaoyang was.

"Chu Shaoyang, you spy, get out!"

"get out!"

"get out!!"

The roar of everyone was louder than loud, mixed with constant coughing.

At this time, the fire was even stronger, and even the pillars and the beams of the house began to catch fire, and the loosely burned tiles dropped from the top of the head.

Chu Shaoyang lowered his head, but he saw a pair of cold, cold eyes, and looked at him in an instant.

There was a sudden sigh in his heart.

Why hasn't she fainted?

Even if you were not scared by yourself, seeing such a scary fire, why didn't she see any fear or panic in her eyes?

She ... who is she?

She lay flat on the happy case. Three of the four table legs caught fire. The flame climbed upward like a viper. Her strand of hair had been licked by the tongue of fire and curled up.

But still only calm in her eyes.

Chu Shaoyang shuddered.

But he quickly looked up, never looked at her again, flew up, flew to the door of Xitang, flew out with his right palm, and hit the door heavily.

The two gates were shocked by his palm and flew outward.

"Hurry up! Everyone leave here quickly!"

Chu Shaoyang raised his breath and shouted, because of his inner strength, although it was extremely noisy in the hall, it still clearly penetrated into everyone's ears.

Now he has no time to explain to everyone that the fire was not by him. The rockets were not his arrangement. Even if he explained it now, no one would listen to him.

But he must ensure that these people are alive, all alive!

Otherwise, Chu Shaoyang would really become an out-and-out spy.

"The door is open, everyone run away!"

The crowd ran towards the door like a tide.

Chu Shaoyang's eyes passed through the thick smoke, and saw an officer who was fainted by the smoke lie not far from the gate. Several people's feet stepped over him. He flew over and picked up the man's clothing Collared, the right arm flicked, and the man flew out of the gate like a cloud, and landed in the courtyard.

He didn't rush out, but swam east and west in the hall, throwing those who ran slowly or fainted out of the door, until there was no one in the big joy hall.

No one else ...

Chu Shaoyang's pupil suddenly tightened, turning into a dark spot.

His gaze wandered in Xitang, looking for a trace of a person.

What about her?

Where did she go?

He just deliberately left her there just now, regardless of asking, let the tongue of fire slowly swallow her, just want to break her calm mask!

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