Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2187: Where is the beauty

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Although Shen Ning was married from the Wang Mansion, he still had to follow the rules of a married couple.

It was not Chu Shaoyang who was at the forefront of the greeting team, but Tuoba Zheng.

He rode on a high-headed horse and wore a new cluster of festive robes with a radiant look and a flying expression. His smile always hung on his heroic face, adding a bit of beauty to him.

According to the rules of the South Vietnamese country, the person who meets the relatives is not the groom, but the person closest to the groom, such as the uncle brother.

However, Chu Shaoyang was alone in the South Vietnamese country. He also had no friendship with others in the court and the public, and he didn't even make friends.

The only person he is more familiar with is Tuoba Zheng.

So the matter of welcoming him for him fell on Tuoba Zheng's body.

Tuobazheng was also very happy that he had this opportunity to serve his life-saving benefactor. He looked back at the flower sedan behind him, remembering the girl who had met before, and it was indeed a national beauty and amazing.

But at this moment, he couldn't help thinking of another girl. The girl in a white dress fluttered like a fairy, sitting at the head of the city and stroking Suqin. If there was no one beside him, he suddenly captured his heart.

Since then, the girl's shadow has never disappeared from his mind, but has become clearer.

He didn't know how many people were sent to find the girl's whereabouts, but the girl was like a rock sinking into the sea, and there was no news at all, as if she had never existed in this world.

But Tuobazheng remembers very clearly that she is a living person, not a fairy in the world, nor a ghost!

He hugged her, and wiped away the tears on her face. The crystal tears were like pearls, so beautiful that moved him.

Her body is soft and hot, he thought he could have her, but unexpectedly, she was rescued!

Perhaps the more you ca n’t get it, the more you want to get it, and the more you will not forget it. Tuobazheng did not know how many women have been in this life, gentle, charming, passionate, and slutty. What kind of woman he has experienced , But only this short-lived beauty never forgets.

Now his brother, Shaoyang, has been able to hold the beauties as he wished, but where is his beauties?

Tuobazheng was riding on Jin Anjun immediately, listening to the joy of firecrackers, his eyes filled with joy, but he was a little perplexed.

On both sides of the street, there were crowds of people, all looking at the lively people, but they were squeezed to both sides under the support of the Imperial Forest Army.

Although the road is spacious, the speed of the Huajiao is not fast, because it is necessary to reach the Wangfu before the noon time, so the time is still sufficient.

Shen Ning, who was sitting in the sedan chair, began to feel extremely sullen. In the empty sedan chair, she was a little dazed, feeling like she was dreaming.

All eyes are red.

Red is a festive color, but she had a strange aversion to the red, so she closed her eyes.

In front of her eyes, it seemed that there was a humble farmhouse. She was wearing a plain red wedding dress, sitting quietly on the kang head, waiting for her groom to come and uncover the hipa for her ...

Shen Ning shivered and suddenly opened her eyes. The scene just now disappeared suddenly, but clearly as if it had actually happened.

That was the scene that appeared in her dream. Since it was a dream, how could it be true?

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