Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2184: Before getting married

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She even saw tears in his eyes!

He gripped her like a furious lion, making her breathing difficult. His mouth closed, saying something to her, but she could not hear clearly, her ears rumbled, and Venus danced in front of her.

Later ... she knew nothing.

When she woke up again, she saw Gu Qingze.

Strange, how could she remember Gu Qingze, her master, but not Chu Shaoyang and Mochuan?

She couldn't describe the kind of joy and attachment she had when she saw Gu Qingze. This is her master, the one she can trust with all her heart, and the only old man she remembers after she lost her memory.

Because of this joy, she didn't even think of Chu Shaoyang, or why Chu Shaoyang never appeared.

Shen Ning bit her lip.

Should he hate her? He must have been extremely disappointed with her, and resented the extreme.

Otherwise he would not come to see her.

If he really hates her for complaining about her, then he should cancel the wedding, why should he be married to her?

She suddenly wanted to see him, and she couldn't wait. Some words she had to make clear with him before the wedding. She had a lot to tell him. Must!

Must be before getting married!

She did not want him to complete the wedding with hatred and resentment.

Everyone heard her words and looked at each other again.

The maids were like a gourd with a beak that didn't make a sound, or the happy woman who spoke before opened her mouth, and she smiled broadly:

"Oh, Madam Princess, you want to see the prince, this can't be done! It's absolutely impossible! According to our customs, this bride and groom can't meet before they get married, otherwise it will be unlucky!"

Oh yes, and this rule, she really forgot.

There are always some inexplicable etiquette in this ancient times!

The happy woman pursed her lips and smiled again: "It's not easy for the concubine to see the prince? As long as you wait for another hour, it's a good time for you and the prince to worship the world. When you enter the cave, the prince is you. It ’s a person. You can see as long as you want. How many words you have to tell the prince, he must love listening, hee hee, afraid that by that time, the prince is afraid that he has no intention to listen to you. "

She spoke ambiguously and laughed even more ambiguously.

The happy women all around had experience, and they all laughed heartily, but the maidservants heard a confusing voice, so it was not known.

Shen Ning understood it. A flash of red flitted across her face, but she was even more upset.

She took a breath, squeezed the veil in her hand, and lost it again.

"Okay, then you put on makeup quickly, the simpler the better, don't make it too complicated."

Her eyes fell on the huge pile of golden jewelry and gift crowns on the dressing table, and she felt a big head, and she couldn't imagine how heavy these things were all piled on her head.

And she was going to hold the wedding with this heavy thing, and she insisted all day that she was worried that her neck would be broken.

But she also knows that these jewelry are custom made by the princess, and she must wear them, including the dress she wore when she was married.

Now that dress is hanging next to it, the bright red is extremely gorgeous, and the dress does not know what fabric is woven, it is gleaming with luster, plus the beautiful and unusual embroidery pattern, it looks like it is An art treasure that should be placed in a museum, not something you should wear.

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