Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2182: Sell ​​for price

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In the past, Chu Shaoyang may have done many wrong things, deceived her, and abandoned her.

But that's all gone.

That was what happened to the original owner, and it had nothing to do with her.

Compared with the past, she believed her eyes more.

The Chu Shaoyang she saw was not exactly the same person as Chu Shaoyang in the Mochuan story.

Chu Shaoyang is indeed moody, irritable, and cruel, but that does not mean he is a bad person.

He has advantages that he cannot ignore.

And his affection for her is something she has never felt before!

From the modern age, she never thought that one day a man would leap off the cliff for her purpose.

It was Chu Shaoyang's jump that deeply moved her and made her resolve to stay with him regardless of everything in the past.

As for Mochuan ...

What has passed will eventually pass.

Everything that happened between him and the original owner is gone with the original owner's soul disappearing. He can't see strange thoughts, not to mention Mochuan's favorite person is not himself, but the original Shen Ning.

Shen Ning shook his head and drove out all the cranky thoughts in his mind.

Today is a good day for her to be married to Chu Shaoyang. She is going to be an unconventional bride, and she must wear her wedding dress happily. Shaoyang?

She tickled her lips and smiled as she got up from the bed.

"Princess Princess, are you awake? The slaves are waiting for you to dress up."

The maidservants immediately came over and surrounded her in the middle, and said with a lip.

Around the same time as the maidservants, there were more than a dozen happy wives, who said auspiciously, one by one, and auspicious on her side.

It is said that although the bride to be married by Lord Chu is a poor girl, she looks like an immortal, which is even more beautiful than the people who were picked from the painting, but they do not believe it.

They do n’t know how many Qianjin Ms. have been given as happy mothers and sent them to marry. It ’s been too much to see beautiful girls in this life, but they did n’t know until they saw this bride from Lord Chu. Other people's praises are all false, and what they see with their own eyes is real.

This little look, Gee, let alone a man, even the wives who have seen countless beautiful women can't help but see it.

Look at this tender and tender skin, it seems to be broken when touched, these watery and bright eyes, they have never seen such beautiful eyes.

Gee, God is so unfair, and all the Zhong Xiu Yu Xiu under the world has been concentrated on this girl alone.

No wonder Lord Chu even looked down on the seventeenth princess of the emperor, and directly refused the marriage in the Golden Palace, just for the girl.

Sure enough, it's a good vision, a good vision!

Although Shen Ning has long known that getting married is not a simple matter, she never expected that the red tape was more complicated and troublesome than she thought.

She was surrounded by a large group of happy mother-in-law and maidservants who, like the chanting, kept saying the cliché of "a hundred years of good togetherness, forever concentricity", not only did not increase her half joy, but made her ears Cocoon.

Especially those women who loved her, and looked at her like she was a good to sell, but it made her uncomfortable.

"You ... all go out! Go out!"

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