Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2176: More terrible than poison

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Chu Shaoyang snorted, and the anger on his face disappeared again.

He sniffed his nose, showing a non-smiling expression.

"Uh, emperor, you are all stinky, and you have this unkempt look, a full beard, if you come to my wedding reception, I am afraid that I will scare my distinguished guests, what do you say? Is that good? "He frowned pretendingly.

"What do you want? Could you have changed your mind and you are not going to invite me to the wedding?" Mo Chuan sinks in his heart, but retreats.

"Of course I want the emperor to participate. If the emperor does not participate, then there is nothing to look at in this drama, but the emperor looks like this, heh, I'm afraid not only to scare my guests, but also my bride Son, especially the smell on you, I ca n’t stand it, and I really do n’t know how you came here these days. ”

Chu Shaoyang said with a smile.

Mo Chuan didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Chu Shaoyang said with a smile: "But the emperor does not have to worry, you are a prince of a country, how can the emperor let the emperor look like a man? The emperor has already arranged everything for the emperor and waited for the emperor to enjoy it."

"Enjoy?" Mo Chuan raised his eyebrows.

"Good, enjoy." Chu Shaoyang smiled and clapped his hands. The stone door was pushed open again. A large bath tub with steaming heat was carried in by several servants, and then came in with several people holding incense towels. Young girl with soap horns and clothing.

"Emperor, please bathe and change your clothes." Chu Shaoyang smiled.

Mo Chuan's eyes fell on the bath tub, and he said lightly, "How can I bathe now?"

Chu Shaoyang patted his head and suddenly realized: "Ah, the prince actually forgot, you are still tied up, please wait for the emperor, and the vassal will loosen it for you immediately."

"Untied? Are you not afraid of me coming out of trouble?"

"Oh, do you think the emperor can escape from here?" Chu Shaoyang turned his eyes and smiled authentically.

While laughing, he took out the key, opened the chain, and lowered Mochuan from the stone pillar.

Losing the binding of the iron chain, Mochuan fell softly and fell to the ground. He just felt that his arms and feet were weak and he couldn't even mention his internal interest.

He moved his mind and looked at the torch held in Chu Shaoyang's hands.

"What did you put in the torch?" He gritted his teeth.

"It's just some soft tendons. This kind of soft tendons can dispel the internal forces of those who practice martial arts, and at the same time make people's muscles and bones sore, but harmless to the body, the emperor need not worry."

He looked down at Mo Chuan from a condescending position, and said: "Emperor, do you know what you look like, you are like a dog crawling at the feet of the court, ha ha, ha ha ha."

Mo Chuan ignored him. He took a deep breath and wanted to support his body with his arms, but his hands and feet were sore, his arms bent, and he fell to the ground again.

Chu Shaoyang's laughter became more proud.

"Emperor, the minister advises you not to be in vain. Although this soft powder is not a precious medicine, but if you do not take the symptomatic antidote, you may be a soft slug in your life."

Mo Chuan knew that what he said was not false, no wonder he didn't fight, scold, hunger or freeze during this time, even his own acupuncture point, because it was because he had prepared more ruthless and poisonous things to deal with Yourself.

It is indeed not poisonous, but it is more terrible than poison.

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