Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2159: Complacent and forgetful

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She lifted her face and laughed, her tears flowing out.

Yes, I have been looking forward to it for so long, longing for so long, her dream is finally realized, and a dead person has also been resurrected. What could be more joyous in this world than this?

She really has reason to laugh, and she has reason to be proud.

Gu Qingze looked at her, his face as always calm.

He didn't yell or shout away, standing there, looking at her quietly.

"I only wonder one thing." He said.

"What's the matter?" She almost couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm strange, how can you laugh?"

Her smile froze all over her face, turned her face, and stared at him fiercely.

"Why can't Princess Ben laugh? Now that your apprentice is gone, she doesn't know which messenger was taken away, what are you still doing here? The person who can't laugh now should be you!" Said.

In fact, she was not such a vicious and mean person, but she had died once, and was poisoned by her closest sister, which filled her heart with hatred, and the look of everyone was full of malicious, Feel the world is her enemy.

She now believes no one but herself!

"These words have been suffocating in your heart for a long time, and now you can finally say it, do you feel very happy?" He said softly, watching her eyes full of pity.

"Happy, of course! No one knows how happy I am in my heart. During this time, I was almost suffocated and suffocated. In that black hole, I couldn't see anything, but now I see , I see that the sky is blue, the cloud is white, the flower is red, and I am Shen Ning, it is beautiful! "

She turned to look at herself in the mirror, her eyes full of fascination, she had never seen such a beautiful self, so that when she saw the first glance, she could hardly believe it.

This is the face that has been covered under a lot of colorful powder all year round. It is because she believes in Shen Biyun ’s ghost words and paints a beautiful face like herself so that people are not like people, and ghosts are not like ghosts. Only then will the prince disgust at the sight of himself.

Now that he has become so beautiful, he is ten times more beautiful than Shen Biyun. What reason does Wang Ye not like him?

"Miss Shen, I think you are smug, and you do n’t even remember what Chu Shaoyang said when she left."

Gu Qingze's voice rang coldly, like a pot of ice water pouring down, making her expression freeze instantly.

She gritted her teeth.

Of course she remembers! She remembered every word very clearly, because every word spoken by Chu Shaoyang was like a knife, poked on her heart, making her uncomfortable.

This is where she was puzzled.

She is Shen Ning, the real Shen Ning, she reoccupies her body, she is back, and it has become so beautiful!

And she was the girl who saved the life of the prince in the water eight years ago. When the prince saw her, she should love her more and love it more.

But the prince not only was so indifferent to her attitude, but also gave her two fierce slaps, which made her almost lose her face!

She thought she would win the heart of the prince again after regaining her appearance. Unexpectedly, the prince clearly saw her face, and clearly her face looked better than before, but the expression on the prince's face was still so indifferent!

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