Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2145: Fruits are about to be harvested

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The prince did not distress the silver, but he, the steward, distressed him.

If this ancient magician could really collect medicine, he could save the prince some medicine money.

The housekeeper rushed to the flower garden with people, and found the big flower garden, but still did not see the figure of Gu Qingze.

He asked the people in Shouyuan to say that they saw the ancient magician carrying a medicine box to collect medicine, but they did not know when the ancient magician left.

"Look! Go find it now! Even if you dig the ground three feet, you have to find out the surname Gu!"

The butler gritted his teeth.

He didn't believe that a big living person would disappear in the palace. The palace was guarded. The ancient surname wanted to fly out of the palace. There was no door. He must have no idea where to hide.

The butler now only hopes that the time to find Gu Qingze is not too late, otherwise the prince will be furious again.

This is really strange.

Tomorrow is a great day for the prince and the princess to be married. The wedding preparations are grand and well-prepared. All things that can be imagined and unexpected, the prince thought of everything.

Even the steward himself sighed Furu.

This made him whisper in his heart. The prince thought so thoughtfully. Was he ever married?

But the prince obviously prepared so much for the wedding, he should be happy, how come the wedding is approaching, the prince is more unhappy?

Is it true that men in this world are as black as crows, and it's not uncommon for them to get their hands?

The butler shook his head, not thinking too much, and he couldn't guess what the lord said.

In fact, not only did he fail to understand what Chu Shaoyang thought, even Chu Shaoyang himself did not understand what was going on.

Since coming out of the stone prison that day, he has been staying in the study, even the door.

He was upset, so he took out the things in the room and threw it out as soon as he caught it.

He could only feel a little more happy when he heard the broken pieces of porcelain, but he couldn't hold on for long, and he would get bored again.

why? What's wrong with myself?

Chu Shaoyang also wanted to know, but he just didn't know. He was just irritated, like he was powerless and nowhere to be used, making him want to find a place to vent, but he didn't know how to vent.

But one thing he never forgot.

Tomorrow, it is his wedding to Chu Shaoyang.

A wedding that caught the attention of the city!

Wedding invitations have been sent out long ago, and the whole city of Beijing may have heard about his happy event. He will definitely hold a grand and luxurious wedding tomorrow. He promised her that he would give her a beautiful wedding, Let her be the happiest girl in the world!

For this commitment, he devoted all his energy and everything, and the silver flowed out like water, he didn't care at all.

Compared with being able to get her, what is silver? That's dung!

But he paid so much and so much, shouldn't he be full of excitement, joy and hope at the moment when he is about to harvest the ripe fruit?

Why is he so upset!

Even want to escape!

Yes, escape!

Chu Shaoyang walked out of the study and came into the sun-drenched garden. The flowers in the courtyard were spitting brightly, but he didn't even see it.

He was horrified and terrified.

Grabbing the rough stone fence with his fingers, he unknowingly used force and clenched, as if this was the only way to keep him standing and let him escape without turning around.

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