Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2140: See each other as if not seen

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Mo Chuan's eyes shattered, especially when he saw the wound on her face and her shrunken expression, and his heart hurt.

He had never seen her become so pitiful, he had never seen fear in her eyes.

However, she appeared in front of him, and she was just like two before.

It seems that Chu Shaoyang not only beat her, but also threatened her with extremely mean means, otherwise how could she tremble like a little white rabbit!

His heart hurts, it hurts! He really wanted to hold her in his arms desperately so that no one would hurt her with a finger!

But now he can't do it!

His chains were earning a bang.

"Chu Shaoyang! You are not a man! If you are a man, you will send anger on me! You bully her a weak woman, what kind of hero are you! You ... you're as good as a pig!"

"She was forced by me, and it was all forced by me. She didn't even take care of me. You want to kill and stab, all at me! If you want to fight, you come and beat me! Chu Shaoyang, If you do n’t do it, you ’re not a man! "

Mo Chuan was so angry that he had never hated a person like he did now, but when he saw Shen Ning, who had been beaten up beyond recognition, he could no longer control his anger, hissed, and his voice almost pierced the stone wall.

She screamed in horror, and the whole person shrank back to Chu Shaoyang, shaking with a shout: "My lord ... I'm afraid ... this man ... is this man crazy? I'm so afraid ..."

The two men in the stone prison were stunned.

Mo Chuan's cry stopped abruptly.

Chu Shaoyang also turned his head and looked at her with incredible eyes.

Like, it's so similar, he can't even see the slightest flaw, and almost thinks it's true.


Did she not recognize him?

How can this be?

Chu Shaoyang just wanted to laugh loudly, his eyes fell on Mo Chuan's face, he was startled, and then he understood.

The man tied to the stone pillar in front of him had shaggy hair and beard, and his clothes were ragged and rotten. Even if he was himself, he might not recognize it at first glance.

He took her hand with a smile and said softly: "Ning'er don't be afraid, he's not a lunatic. Look at it carefully, can you still recognize him?"

She looked up at Mochuan quickly, and immediately lowered her head and said quietly, "I ... I don't know."

Mo Chuan didn't speak. He stared at her intently, his eyes deep and indistinguishable.

Very good, she did very well, she was smarter than he thought.

He was relieved in the bottom of his heart.

Chu Shaoyang seemed a little disappointed. He raised her chin, looked at the expression on her face seriously, and asked again:

"You really don't recognize it? You have a good look."

"I ... I don't know, lord, who ... who is he? Are you the prisoner you caught?" She dared to glance into the stone prison and saw a thick iron chain and took a sip. Cool.

Chu Shaoyang smiled and gave Mochuan a glance.

"He ... is not a prisoner, but ... the emperor."

"Emperor?" She was startled and lost her voice: "Is this madman emperor?"

"Of course, his name is Chu, Mo, Chuan, can you remember?" Chu Shaoyang asked with a smile.

Chu Mochuan?

She frowned, then remembered.

"Remember, of course, this is the emperor's famous taboo! Lord, you ... you are called the emperor's taboo, I am afraid it is not good?" She looked at Chu Shaoyang worriedly.

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