Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2138: See when she pretends

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

She couldn't see anything, let alone know where she was going and where she was heading.

She felt a burst of cold air, with a smell of moisture and mold, reminding her of the prison.

Is he going to lock her up and go to jail?

Because her face is ruined? He never wants to see her again?

She stopped suddenly and refused to go, holding the rough wall firmly with one hand.

"Ning'er, what's wrong with you?" His voice sounded in the darkness.

"I ... I won't go." She shook her head vigorously.

"Don't go?" He seemed to chuckle, "If you're here, how can you not go? If you don't show up, he will be disappointed."

She was startled: "You ... don't you want to lock me up? Locked here?"

"Of course not, haha, silly girl, why do you think I want to shut you down?" He laughed, trying to rub her hair, but touched the smooth hair, remembering that she had just dressed up , Withdrew his hand again.

She let go of her heart and exhaled gently, embarrassedly saying: "I misunderstood the prince, it's really dark here, it's scary."

In the dark, he smiled and said: "Ning'er, you are so smart, but guess what, the person I let you see, who is he?"

She was startled again.

clever? She never felt smart.

She bit her lip and yelled, "I ... I can't guess."

"Can't guess, or don't want to guess?" There was already displeasure in his voice.

Her heart beat, and he tentatively said, "This man ... do I know?"

He laughed again, his voice echoing in the narrow and dark space.

"Know, of course you know! Not only do you know, but you are also very familiar with him."

"Is ... sister Biyun?" She blurted out. "Must be sister Biyun, ah, lord, I haven't seen sister Biyun in a long time. Is she here too?"

Shen Biyun?

How could she guess that Shen Biyun went up!

Chu Mochuan and Shen Biyun couldn't even hit eight shots together!

Chu Shaoyang frowned, then loosened again.

Yes, how did he forget that she was so smart, how could she be easily seen through? Since there are many like pretend like many.

He wanted to see when she could still pretend.

"Not Shen Biyun, this man ... is a man." He kindly reminded her.

"Man?" She was puzzled. "But, I don't know any man except the prince you?"

"It doesn't matter, you'll get to know you later when you see it."

Chu Shaoyang shook her hand and took her to continue on.

He believed that he and her question and answer, Chu Mochuan in Shi Lao must have heard clearly.

In fact, these words are also intended to be told to the other party.

He guessed right.

Mohe heard their footsteps as he walked into Yongdao with her.

Chu Shaoyang was light and strong, almost silent, but she did not martial arts, so he heard her footsteps at once.

is her!

Chu Shaoyang didn't have any words, he really took her to see him!

He was too familiar with her and knew that as long as she heard her softly and quietly, she knew it was her.

Mo Chuan's heart throbbed violently, and the chain made a bang.

Don't be excited, don't be excited!

Especially in front of her, the more excited you are, the more it will affect her emotions.

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