Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2135: He became the master

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He took the towel aside, soaked in water and gently cleaned her.

After wiping off the remaining ointment, her injury became more visible.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked softly.

"No ... no pain." She opened her eyes quietly and looked at him flattered.

Chu Shaoyang smiled again.

"Will I wipe some medicine for you, OK?"

"……it is good."

She answered softly.

It's strange to say that not long ago, she was the master of his life. Her every move, every smile, firmly attracted his attention, making him unable to extricate himself, let him care about it.

She frowned, he would be nervous for a long time, if she could smile at him, he would be happy for a long time.

But now, her magic to him seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

The situation in front of me happened to be reversed.

Suddenly he felt that he had seen her clearly. What she wanted and what she wanted was all clear to him, like looking at a transparent her.

Her mind has been drawn by him, and he has become her master!

His every move will attract her eyes to follow him, he is gentle with her, she will be infinitely happy.

When did this change happen, Chu Shaoyang didn't want to delve into it.

He only knows that now she has been firmly controlled by him in the palm of his hand, what she wants her, she will be, she has been docile and obedient like a mature cat, even if he frees her Will not leave him half a step.

Chu Shaoyang finished the medicine for her, clapped her hands, and the maids came in quickly, brought in the toiletries, and served him to cleanse his face.

His whole body was refreshed, and his spirits were so high that he could not help but see it.

"Ning'er, is this king pretty?" He smiled at her.

Although this was said to the princess, but his voice was too gentle, the smile and the maid's heart began to pound, and he bowed his head and wanted to see it, but he dared not read it.

"Good ... good-looking." She looked at his face faintly, with an unstoppable fascination in her eyes.

"Do you want to see yourself?" He took a mirror.

"I ..." She was suddenly afraid.

Once she was particularly eager to see herself in the mirror, but now she dare not look at it, especially when she saw Chu Shaoyang, who is like a jade-like **** in front of her eyes, she dare not look at it.

She will feel ashamed.

"Look at your face." He said softly, holding the mirror in front of her.

She looked in the mirror and just glanced at her, her body trembling violently, screaming.

"No! No! I don't want to look in the mirror, I don't want to see!" She closed her eyes tightly, covered her face with her hands, and shivered.

But she has seen what she looks like in the mirror.

Tears ran down her fingers.

Chu Shaoyang did not comfort her, nor patted her.

He threw the mirror to his maid, and said lightly: "All go out."

The maids back out again.

There was only her crying in the room.

Chu Shaoyang's hand was behind his back, and he stood in front of the bed and watched her crying, her lips raised, and she laughed.

"Ning'er, I told you that if you cry again, the scars on this face will never be cured."

This sentence is better than any comfort or comfort.

As soon as he finished speaking, her crying stopped, but she still covered her face with her hands and refused to look up.

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