Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Chu Shaoyang shook his hand and picked up the unconscious **** the ground.

She is as light as a feather.

He closed his eyes and felt her body, the soft and delicate feeling was exactly the same as when he held her.

This is not the first time he hugs her, and every time he hugs her, he has a feeling of cherish it, and this time is no exception.

With his eyes closed, his senses became stronger, and even his sense of smell became sharper.

He lowered his head and buried his face in her long black thick hair. The familiar sweet breath filled his breath. This is the unique taste of her body.

It ’s her, it ’s really her!

"Ancient God Doctor, you save her! You must save her anyway!"

Chu Shaoyang's body was shocked, and she suddenly opened her eyes. What caught her eye was a face that he had beaten to his face. This face was dirty and ugly, and it was blood and tears. Originally, she is still her!

"Save her? Rescue her so that she can continue to live to withstand the violence you have imposed on her? Are you too heavy to fight and hate you?" Gu Qingze said coldly.

"No ... yes, I was wrong." Chu Shaoyang gritted his teeth.

It ’s harder to get him to admit it than to go to the sky.

But seeing her in front of him, the remorse in his heart came like an overwhelming, almost drowning him.

His gel! He loves a girl like a treasure, even a woman who ca n’t even shout a word. What the **** did he do to beat her like this?

Just because she just woke up incoherently? Because of her personality change?

Or was he deep in his heart and hated her deeply while loving her?

Chu Shaoyang was chaotic. He could not distinguish his thoughts at all. He had only one thought in his mind now, that was to save her anyway!

He wants to restore her to her original appearance!

Gu Qingze grunted and reached for Shen Ning.

However, Chu Shaoyang's arms were tight, and he said with a cold face: "She is the king's woman, only the king can hug her, Mr. Gu, you have your own weight."

Gu Qingze couldn't help but sneer: "Your woman? Who was it that seriously wounded your woman? His Royal Highness King Chu, should you find the murderer to cure the crime?"

Chu Shaoyang didn't answer, holding Shen Ning's big step room, this time he placed her on the bed carefully, lest she hurt her wounds.

His behavior caused Gu Qingze to sneer again.

But Gu Qingze didn't have time to satirize him. He sat by the bed and helped her to take a pulse.

Chu Shaoyang held his breath, staring at Gu Qingze intently, and asked, "How? Her injury ... is it heavy?"

Gu Qingze did not look back, but said coldly:

"The cat crying and the child is false compassion!"

At this time, a lot of people stood at the door of the room, all waiting for Chu Shaoyang's instructions. Hearing Gu Qingze's words, they all praised in secret.

This is not the case with Wang Ye!

Chu Shaoyang's face was green, although Gu Qingze satirized him in front of the people, so that he couldn't get off the stage hotly, but compared with her, this soft satire was nothing.

As long as she can get better and restore her original appearance, he is willing to be slapped by her for a hundred and a thousand, as long as she can forgive him.

"She just suffered some skin injuries and excessive shock, so she fainted. As for you kicking her foot, it caused some bruises, which will disperse after three days of applying some medicine."

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