Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2118: Pay the price

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His tone contained an unspeakable chill, which caused all those who heard it to tremble wittily.

Shen Ning, who was closest to him, was trembling and speechless. Her eyes were full of fear, her lips moved, and she stopped talking.

"Say!" Chu Shaoyang shouted suddenly.

"I, I'm really Ning'er!" She was frightened, she burst out, the tears in her eyes rolled out of her eyes again, and a drop fell on the back of his hand.

But Chu Shaoyang's heart was hard and he was unmoved.

He raised his lips and smiled.

"Very well, I gave you a chance. You gave up on your own. Now, you should pay for your mistakes." He said calmly, letting go of her chin.

She blinked her eyes and didn't show what he meant. Suddenly, she only felt a head bang, and there was a thunder in her ears. The whole person fell to the ground, half of her face was on the ground. , A mouthful of salty salty, can not help but spit out a blood.

It turned out that when he let go of her chin, he raised his hand and waved a hand to her cheek.

The man ’s palm is big and heavy, he is also a martial arts man, and his bones are powerful. Although this palm has not exerted its internal force, it still beats Venus in front of her eyes, rumbling in his ears, lying on the ground for a long time But God came.

If it were not for Chu Shaoyang to deliberately ask for a secret in her mouth, this palm would have killed her.

The next time people saw this scene, their eyes almost fell out.

The prince who loved his wife like life, actually beat the princess concubine, is this not true?

They rubbed their eyes desperately, and looked over, they saw that the princess princess was knocked to the ground by this slap, half of her face was stained with mud, and the other half of her face was blue and purple, with five finger prints. How miserable is how miserable.

Gee, such a flower-like beauty, how could the prince get such a ruthless hand!

The people whispered in their stomachs, but they did n’t dare to let out a sip, and the maidservants who had different thoughts about Chu Shaoyang were all in sorrow. They thought he was such a gentle man. Women are merciless, and they are more terrible than drunken men who are drunk and beat their wives.

"Now, do you still refuse to say who you are?" Chu Shaoyang looked down on her prostrate at her feet.

Now she was covered with mud, and half of her face was deformed by her own slap. It was no longer like his coagulation, but like a wild dog falling in the mud.

Her lips moved, and she blurted out a few words.

"I ... I am Shen Ning, the daughter of General Shen and General Shen ..."

Chu Shaoyang smiled without anger.

"Very well, he's hard to die even before he dies." He smiled with white teeth.


Another slap in the face made her another half of her face. Her face was beaten aside and she spit out blood again.

After two slaps, her face had changed shape, her eyes were red and swollen, resembling a pig's head, and her large, round eyes were also swollen into a thin slit.

She was in pain and fear, and she kept crying in her eyes. The whole person curled up on the ground. When she saw his boots embroidered with silver auspicious clouds stop beside her face, she was horrified.

"Don't fight, lord, don't fight, Ning'er hurts, it really hurts ..." she said indistinctly.

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