Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2076: Another version

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He questioned loudly, leaving her speechless.

"Okay, you say it, I listen." She was startled for a while, and finally decided to face reality.

He was right. If she owed two people ’s love debts, she should not only pay off one person, but continue to indebted to another person. She had to figure out what was going on. The original owner and Chu Shaoyang also paid There is an intricate relationship between this little black.

After she straightened out, she could make a correct and clear judgment.

Mo Chuan was about to speak. She suddenly said with a serious face: "I listen to your story, but don't lie to me, don't tell a lie, or you will lose my trust."

He nodded: "I know you have a mind-reading technique, you can tell at a glance whether others are telling the truth or falsehood, so I won't lie to you."

Shen Ning let out a hum, and blurted out and asked, "How do you know?"

Mo Chuan stared at her and said, "You are my wife, how can I not know your skills? Although you have forgotten everything, I remember it very clearly."

Shen Ning is getting more and more confused. After she has passed through this era, she has not exposed her mind-reading skills, especially in front of Xiaohei, and she hasn't revealed anything. How can he be so clear about his affairs?

Did he find himself coming through? That's even more impossible!

The so-called mind reading is not that she really has a specific function, but that she can judge a person's psychological activity through a person's micro-expressions, including facial language and body language, which is a modern scientific skill.

As a person of this age, it is absolutely impossible to know.

"Chu Shaoyang didn't lie to you. You are indeed his wife. You have been married to him and worshipped the world, but that's all gone ..." Mo Chuan sat cross-legged on the opposite side of her, his voice quiet. Opened the ground.

Shen Ning's lips moved, but there was no sound. She raised her eyes and looked at Mo Chuan, listening attentively to him.

Mo Chuan did n’t want to hide anything, but he did n’t like to discredit Chu Shaoyang behind his back. As for what happened between Chu Shaoyang and her, it was n’t that he could put his beak, he did n’t want to impose any subjectivity on her. Factors affecting her judgment.

He just described the facts in short and powerful words, starting from the time when he gave her marriage to Chu Shaoyang. He talked about the coma he vomited blood that night when he and Chu Shaoyang became married, and three days later Chu Shaoyang married her My sister Shen Biyun rushed over the door and talked about how she met her. Prince Dongqin appeared unexpectedly. How did she write a rest book under the eyes of all eyes? After Chu Shaoyang and all the things that happened afterwards, he talked about how he used to hide from the sky. According to her plan, she married her as a wife. When she talked about the invasion of South Vietnam, she kept saying goodbye and then defeated the 100,000 troops of South Vietnam.

This experience is actually very complicated, Mo Chuan did not use heavy ink to describe it, his narrative is concise, but organized and clear.

Shen Ning only heard thrilling.

This is a completely different version of what Chu Shaoyang told her. Except that she and Chu Shaoyang are really married couples, they have nothing in common.

Chu Shaoyang told her that she was an orphan girl and was adopted by the couple who lived in a remote town in Western Chu. The credibility of this story is not very high, it can be said that it is full of flaws, but Shen Ning But he didn't want to delve deeper.

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