Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2066: Actually looked down on him

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The blaze of fire shone on the mountain walls, driving away the dampness and coldness in the cave.

She stretched out her hand from the quilt and roasted for a while beside the fire, feeling that her body was slowly warming up.

"I want to tell you something." Mo Chuan said suddenly, his voice heavy.


She yelled softly, and she already had a hunch in her heart.

"That kind farmhouse couple ..." He paused and his voice fell deep. "They have been killed by poisonous hands. They were killed by a group of black killers who suddenly appeared. At that time you fainted, I don't know you What happened, I was about to find a way to save you. The killer suddenly killed the couple and wanted to chase you down. I took you to avoid here, and finally avoided their tracking. "

Shen Ning's heart sank suddenly, although I had expected a few points, I still felt a while.

If it were not for her, the farm couple would not die, it was she who killed them!

"The killer, or the princess of the seventeen?" She gritted her teeth and said coldly.

In any case, she must find the person of the chief emissary, and she will avenge the kind farm couple!

Mo Chuan shook his head: "I'm not sure, but seven or eight out of ten should be led by the same person. This group of black killers is exactly the same as the group of people who chased you last time."

"That seventeen princess, what kind of hatred did she have with me? Why must I be put to death?" She looked incredulous in her eyes.

Mo Chuan shook his head again.

"I don't know. If you want to know, I can try to find out."

Shen Ning looked at him: "Will you help me?"

"Of course." Mo Chuan nodded without hesitation, staring at her: "I'm willing to do anything for you."

Her heart trembled, and she lowered her eyes, avoiding his sight.

"If I can't give you what you want, would you still help me like this?" She asked gently.

Mo Chuan suddenly smiled.

She thought she wanted to help her in this way because she wanted to get her? She also underestimated herself.

"Yes." He said briefly.

He wanted her heart, but he would never use this as a bargaining chip to ask her anything, he would not say this sentence.

She raised her head in surprise and looked straight at him: "Really?"


"Then, I would like to ask you to help me find out about this matter. Why did Princess Seventeen send a killer to kill me, and how did they find the farmhouse." She said clearly.

Mo Chuan nodded and reached out to her.

She only flinched back slightly and stopped, watching his palm rest on her forehead.

"Very good, your fever is gone."

Mo Chuan was relieved that she finally stopped having a fever. As long as she had a fever, plus enough rest and care, she would soon return to health.

To know how sick and weak she is, he does n’t know how distressed it is!

He really wanted to bear all the sickness and pain for her. As long as she was healthy and healthy, he would rather have been cold-spoken to herself, not scornful, and didn't want to see her so painful because of the pain.

Last night ’s experience was like a nightmare to him. When he held her, she tightened into his arms and shivered like a small animal, seeking a warm embrace, cold limbs, but the forehead was hot, let him A heart like tormenting on the oil pan.

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