Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2059: Just dressing

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

When the skin touched the cool air, not only did he not feel cold, but he felt hot and dry.

But she didn't notice it at all, and she was helping him change the medicine wholeheartedly, with gentle movements, making his heart feel like he was soaking in the honey, from the inside to the outside.

It turned out that she was not as ruthless as she was. She clearly cared about herself and was also worried about herself. She remembered that she was injured, and then changed the medicine when she was sleepy.

He quickly closed his eyes, fearing that she would find herself awake. If she found him awake, she would immediately close her hand, and then he would never feel her tenderness again.

Mo Chuan's heart fluttered, and even if she cut off the carrion of the wound with a sharp dagger, he didn't feel any pain, but hoped that her movements would be slower.

She finally wrapped the wound and sat still beside him.

He wanted to open his eyes to see what she was doing, and was afraid of being discovered by her.

Suddenly he felt a sweet breath leaning in front of him, it was her, she was staring at herself.

Mo Chuan's ears were slightly hot, and she finally managed to control her breath.

This ghost girl, what kind of tricks does she want to make! Could she stop looking at herself like this, he would almost be unable to breathe.

Finally, she was a little farther away from him, and he was relieved just now, and felt a soft palm touching his arm.

She began to help him dress, her soft and warm hands touched him, every touch of skin was like a small cluster of flames on him, this small cluster of small flames But in his heart turned into the fire of Liaoyuan.

He grabbed her hand tightly.

Shen Ning was taken aback, raised his head, just to meet his dark and deep eyes, his eyes flashing dangerous flames faintly.

She wanted to withdraw her hand like a thief, but was held by his hand, and his palm was fiery.

"What ... are you doing?" He said hoarsely.

"I ... I didn't do anything, just to help you get medicine ..."

She stammered and blushed, and she didn't understand why she felt guilty of being a thief. She should tell him straightforwardly that she did it for his own good!

It was just that her words didn't finish. As soon as his arms were tight, she rushed into his arms, palms pressed against his chest, and then he realized his fiery skin.

"Why is your body so hot, is it a fever? Do you feel a headache? Is it dizzy? You ... um!"

The rest of her words were blocked in her lips, because his head fell over and her lips pressed tightly against her lips.

Shen Ning froze the whole person, she was held tightly in his arms by his arms, his big palm pressed against her back of the head, she could not allow her to struggle at all.

This time he kissed the bully and strong, the tip of his tongue pressed against her teeth, and then entangled with her lips and teeth, she had nowhere to dodge and could only passively bear it.

This is completely different from the last kiss. Last time he was much tenderer and lingering, but this time, he kissed too much and too affectionate, she couldn't help it.

He and her breath were tightly intertwined, both eyes were open, each other's eyes interlaced, their eyes deep, as if they had been looking into each other's eyes.

Her eyelashes were half drooping and she tried to breathe with her nose, but it was all his breath.

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