Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning was relieved and relieved.

He didn't come back.

Somehow, a disappointed mood filled her chest, and her emotions immediately fell.

She bit her lip and stared blankly at the door.

The two doors are well closed.

It seems that he really didn't come back.

She was angry and dissatisfied with the loss rising in her heart.

During the time she was ill, she even had a psychological dependence on him. She could n’t see him. She would feel disappointed. She must not let this emotion continue to grow, otherwise she would n’t know it would happen. What kind of thing.

Fortunately, he left, and after a while, her emotions will gradually calm down, and she will forget all of this experience.

Thinking of the peasant woman praised him again and again, saying how hard he took care of himself that day and night, a slight melancholy floated in her heart.

She told herself that she missed him now because she did n’t like what she owed others. He saved herself and took care of herself. She should thank him well.

But would someone like him want to thank him?

So why did he take care of himself like this?

All because he likes her!

If she can't give him what he wants, then let him just go!

Shen Ning sat on the bed, a heart fluttered, and his mind was a mess.

Without seeing Xiaohei, she knew how much she wanted to see him.

Do not! I shouldn't miss him anymore!

What she should think is that Chu Shaoyang is the one who will soon be her relative!

Why was Chu Shaoyang not at her side at this time! Why did this little black save himself! Why are you sick?

It's all because of this body, because I am sick, I am weakened, and because of illness, I am relaxed, so that the little black is quietly stationed in my heart.

But this is not important.

She shook her head and was about to get out of bed. Her body was almost ready. She had to leave here as soon as possible. She was going to find Chu Shaoyang and unplug the guard named Xiaohei from the bottom of her heart!

Fool, don't think about him anymore! No!

She desperately controlled herself not to think about it, and stepped out of bed, only to feel top-heavy, her body fluttering, and her limbs limp.

She knew that her illness was still not good, but she had to leave here immediately, and she could not delay it any longer. She was afraid to hear that the peasant woman mentioned Xiao Hei's name again. As long as she stayed here, she could not help thinking of him.

Shen Ning staggered to the door and pulled open the door.

She suddenly froze.

Outside the door, a figure like a green pine and green bamboo stood silently, and a pair of eyes deeper and unpredictable than the sea stopped on her face.

"You ... you ..." Her lips moved, and she spit out two words gently. Then, as if relieved, her whole body's strength was pumped away, and the whole person slid softly to the ground. go with.

Mo Chuan reached out in time to catch her.

She fell in his arms and closed her eyes.

He thought she fainted, picked her up carefully, stepped into the room, placed her on the bed, looked at her worriedly, and wiped the temperature of her forehead.

The tentacles are her delicate skin, cool and jade-like, without fever.

He stunned slightly, only to see her long eyelashes flickered, then slowly raised.

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