Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan held her hand, and her fingers were slowly warming, but her forehead was still hot.

It seems that the doctor must be prescribed for her. Her illness is not a cure for his internal skills.

But when the left doctor didn't come, and the right didn't come, the farm couple disappeared, as if they had evaporated from the world.

Could it be that two people had an accident?

Mo Chuan suddenly thought that if there were still black people in the net who were found by them, they found it here and killed the two farmers with one knife. Wouldn't he mean two more innocent lives?

He was wandering anxiously, only hearing the sound of footsteps, the two were approaching and nagging at each other, it was the voice of the farmer and the peasant woman.

Hearing that the two were still alive, Mo Chuan suddenly let go of his heart, but he was strange, why was there only the footsteps of the two, but no doctor? Did Dr. Ma go to the doctor's office, and the farmer pounced?

In any case, he must immediately ask the doctor for Ning'er to see her for her illness.

After a while, the two farmers entered the room and apologized to Mochuan:

"Officials, I'm so sorry. I failed to invite Dr. Ma, then he ... He only recognizes money and not people. I have said all the good things, but he refused to come to see the doctor."

Instead, Mo Chuan was relieved, and he took the money bag from his arms and threw it into the farmer's hand.

"Uncle, please go to run again, be sure to invite Dr. Ma, as for the silver, if these are not enough, I still have."

The farmer weighed his purse, his face showing joy.

"Enough, enough! These silvers are enough. Doctor Ma likes silvers, but his medical skills are also really smart. As long as he is willing to take action, there will be no diseases that he can't cure in this village. Go and ask Dr. Ma! "

This time, Madam Ma soon followed the farmer.

He was a thin man in his thirties. He walked slowly. The farmer helped him carry the medicine chest. The two entered the room. As soon as he saw Shen Ning lying on the bed, the doctor ’s eyes lit up. Too.

Although she is ill, she can still see that the face is surprisingly beautiful, just like a charming and beautiful Begonia flower.

Doctor Ma dreamed that he could not see such a beautiful girl in this tattered cottage, and he was stunned for a while.

He turned his eyes and found that Shen Ning changed it to the clothes in the corner and immediately saw it. The clothes were very expensive and definitely not affordable for ordinary people.

This sick and beautiful girl is definitely from a big family, either rich or expensive.

He swept the corner of his eyes again and saw Mo Chuan, who was standing in front of Shen Ning's bed, and he immediately showed a disdainful look.

The youth in black clothes is ordinary, the material is more ordinary, and the appearance is not outstanding, it should be the girl's follower or guard.

The two people should not have appeared in such a farmhouse, but they did appear. It may be that the young lady of a big family in Beijing was kidnapped by the little servant and eloped. As a result, the young lady was delicate and fell ill not far from the city. This guy is in a hurry to call the doctor.

Mo Chuan was very disgusted with Dr. Na's eyes when he saw Qian, but it was only because he was the only doctor in the neighborhood. It was important to see Ning'er for medical treatment first, so he was not willing to care.

At this time, seeing Dr. Ma came in the door, he was not in a hurry to pour out the pulse for Shen Ning. Those eyes turned around in a hurry. They looked at Ning Er for a while, and then looked at themselves for a while. .

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