Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2034: But it's because he likes it

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He must have been injured by those in black while he was escorting her out, but he was obviously wounded, still silent, and escorted her to a safe place where she didn't even hurt her hair.

But how did he treat him?

Not only did he not be grateful for his life-saving feelings, but he spoke coldly to him, and pushed him into the water, which was merciless and unjust, but it was because he liked himself.

Deep guilt flashed in Shen Ning's heart. She opened the medicine bottle without saying a word, and smelled it, and the fragrance of mint was revealed.

This is a familiar taste. A string in her memory seems to have been touched. She intuitively knows that this bottle is a gold remedy, and the effect is excellent.

Strange, how could she know that this is Jin Chuang Yao?

The thought was fleeting, and she faced his wounds flawlessly. She took out the ointment from the bottle and applied the light green translucent ointment evenly and evenly on his wound. Her fingers were soft, and she seemed afraid. It hurt him.

Mo Chuan didn't look back. His tall body was still strong, his shoulders were wide and his back was thick, and his skin was firm. Although he was covered with fierce wounds, he did not harm his perfection, but was full of male charm.

Shen Ning's face flashed involuntarily. Fortunately, he turned his back on her and did not let him see.

She finished the wound, staring at the exposed tail of the arrow and hesitated slightly.

The arrow penetrated deep into the flesh, and her **** barely pinched the arrow feathers, pulling hard, but the arrow didn't move.

"Hello, do you have a knife?" She asked.

Mo Chuan handed her a dagger without a word.

"I'm going to cut the muscles of your back with a knife, otherwise I won't be able to pull it out. There will be no anesthesia here and it will hurt. Can you bear it?" She said again.

Mo Chuan said with a deep voice: "Can bear it."

The corners of his lips were bitter, and compared to the wounds and pain in his heart, this skin wound was nothing.

Shen Ning bit her lip, raised her dagger, and quickly cut the skin beside the arrow. A lot of blood immediately poured out. She was so fast, she drew her finger in and pinched the arrow shaft, and pulled out quickly. Prepared Jin Chuang Yao and quickly applied him to the wound.

The gold remedy is very effective, and it won't bleed anytime soon.

She sighed with relief, tearing down her skirt and tearing the long one, and then bandaging the wound on his back.

"thank you."

"You're welcome."

The two answered one-on-one, polite and strange.

Mo Chuan didn't look back, and Shen Ning didn't know what to say.

It's strange to say that after she wound up his wound, her heart's rejection of him suddenly dropped a lot.

She looked at his wide and scarred back, and even made a very strange movement. She gently stroked his back and said softly:

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

As soon as she spoke, she froze herself.

The voice was full of concern and tenderness, and it didn't seem to come out of her mouth at all.

Yeah, what's wrong with yourself?

Her face was burning hot, afraid that he would hit the snake with the stick, because of his sudden tenderness, he thinned himself again, and now he coughed and said roughly:

"You saved me, and when Shaoyang came back, I would tell him, what rewards do you want, just put it forward."

Mo Chuan was also stunned, but he hadn't had time to react from her tenderness, and immediately heard her indifferent words, and asked himself to go to Chu Shaoyang for a reward!

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