Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2032: Old feelings like fire

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

That is a "chuan" word!

Why did she engrave this Sichuan word on her arm! why!

Is she afraid to forget herself?

"Hey, you let me go!" Shen Ning was gripped by his harder and harder arms, and frowned angrily.

Mo Chuan slowly raised his head, and looked at her eyes with unfathomable eyes, and there was a strong passion in his eyes.

"Ning'er, are you still pretending not to know me until now?" He said hoarsely.

What do you mean?

She frowned in confusion, before waiting for her to speak. The next moment, she was tightly embraced in a warm and solid embrace.

He wrapped her arm around her waist and couldn't allow her to struggle. The other hand lifted her chin firmly, so that she had to meet his fiery eyes. She was stunned with anger.

She forgot to be angry, forgot his strength and domineering, and even forgot that she was hugging this strange young man tightly.

This embrace gave her a feeling of incomparable collapse, which made her feel that as long as she leaned in his arms, it didn't matter if the sky collapsed. He had shielded her from the wind and rain.

She flicked her eyelashes lightly, and hadn't had time to speak, only to see his head bowed down and kissed her lips tightly.

A huge pressure made her breathless. She had a blank mind for a while, and she didn't know where she was lightly. When she recovered and felt his powerful and hot kiss, her face began to be hot. To start burning.

In the previous life, she never had the experience of being kissed.

This can be said to be her first kiss.

But without knowing why, she suddenly felt a familiar feeling, as if she had been kissed so fiercely.

In a daze, her arms stretched out and grabbed his neck. The two men hugged tightly. The heat of his body reached her, and his breath was intertwined with her.

This hot and lingering kiss lasted for a long time. She didn't know how long it had passed. She only knew that she began to feel breathless and her body became soft. If his arm caught her, she almost slipped.

"Um ... no ..." She recovered her consciousness and tried to struggle away from his arms.

What happened just now was too sudden. She suddenly caught her off guard. He kissed her so boldly, and she let him kiss in a daze. Not only did she not resist, but she was deeply intoxicated.

She was ashamed and angry, blushing like a camellia, her eyes wide open and staring at Mo Chuan hard, her eyes clearly said: Deng Tuozi, let me go!

Mo Chuan's lips pressed tightly against her lips, he had just tasted the softness and sweetness of her lips again, how could she be willing to let go of her? Especially when she was kissed by him in his arms, the supple appearance was exactly the same as her previous ones, making him feel that the disappeared she was back.

It turned out that a kiss could shorten the distance between him and her, and make her return to her former coagulation.

Knowing this already, why should he wait so long!

She is his! From her people to her heart, it has always been his!

Her name is engraved on her arm, her lips are full of his breath, and her shadow is reflected in her eyes!

Instead of letting go of her, he hugged her tighter and kissed him deeper, letting her indulge in his tenderness once again.

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