Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2023: do not need you

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He did not salute her, nor did she call her the concubine of the princess. The whole person gave her the feeling that he was not like a low guard, but looked down at her high, as if he was her master.

Strangely, she did not feel angry, but felt that this feeling could not be more natural.

He was born with a noble temperament, which made her conclude that his identity would never be a guard.

"Who are you? What do you want to be here?" She avoided his fiery eyes and said annoyedly.

Mo Chuan looked at her quietly and did not speak.

She was angry, and her shiny skin showed a faint blush, making her eyes more touching.

His eyes flashed, his lips tightened.

"Speak, are you dumb?" She said politely.

He still didn't speak, and only looked at her momentarily with those bright eyes.

Although Shen Ning didn't look at him, she felt his compelling eyes, which made her regret. Why did he call him out.

She took a breath and raised her eyes to meet his gaze.

"What do you want, money, status, or something else?"

He shook his head and did not speak.

"need nothing?"

He nodded.

"Then go, I don't need you here, I don't want to see you anymore." She said coldly.

Mo Chuan's eyes flickered. Although he didn't speak, she felt that he seemed to smile a little, which made her angry, and his eyes contained a spoiled look, like an adult seeing A child who deliberately makes troubles is tolerant and gentle.

She asked herself not to be a difficult person, but in the face of this guard named Xiaohei, she felt that she was a little unreasonable.

Mo Chuan nodded, still not speaking.

He just looked at her with a strange look.

In the past few days in the Chu Palace, he was always with her all the time. Although he did not show up, she never left his sight.

He had long discovered that although she had forgotten everything she had done before, she had forgotten herself, but she was the one she knew well.

She is still so different from the others, and her talk, attitude and manners are exactly the same as before.

The only thing that has changed is that she no longer has herself in her eyes and heart.

But Mo Chuan was not in a hurry. He had already made up his mind that he would always be by her side, re-know her, and start again with her.

He did not believe that he could not regain her heart.

Now she still has a lot of vigilance and resentment against him, because his appearance is too abrupt, making her difficult to accept for a while, and her attitude towards him is worse than anyone.

Mo Chuan was not angry. He could see that the colder she was towards him, the more she had his place in her heart.

He is very patient and he can wait slowly.

"If you tell me to go, I will go. If you want me to come, I will come."

He stared at her fixedly and spoke slowly.

Shen Ning's face suddenly turned red. She stared at him in exasperation and shouted hard: "Do you know your identity, and you know my identity, how dare you say such things to me! I ’m telling you, I ’m about to marry, no matter what your purpose is when you enter the palace, I only have one sentence. I ’m not the person you ’re looking for. Do you understand? ”

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