Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2015: I am your husband

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

With a charming eyebrow, Qingjun was dusty. She had never seen a man who looked better than him, and even Chu Shaoyang was compared by him.

But his eyebrows were tightly locked, and there was an irrepressible sorrow between the eyebrows, which made her unable to hold out her hand and smooth his brows.

His eyes blinked at her without blinking, with complex expressions in his eyes, and many emotions that she could not understand, staring at her as though they were affectionate.

She has always been the best at reading emotions from other people's eyes, but in the face of this Qingjun man's eyes, in addition to her rapid heartbeat and dry mouth, her mind suddenly became blank.

"Ning'er, I am your husband."

He said quietly.

There was a buzz in her ears.

"What ... what's your name?" She murmured, her head splitting, as if she remembered something, but she couldn't remember anything.

"Mochuan." He said two words calmly.

She has a worse headache.

"No, you are not my husband, I have never heard your name, my husband is Chu ..."

She shook her head vigorously, denied his words, and wanted to say that my husband was Chu Shaoyang, but the word "Shaoyang" hadn't had time to speak, and he had covered his mouth.

He stared at her with dangerous eyes and said in a cold voice: "Don't say the man's name, your husband is me, my name is Mo Chuan!" He said verbatim.

Mochuan? Mochuan!

These two words seemed to merge into a huge torrent, rumbling in her ears.

She frowned, pressed her forehead firmly, and murmured in her mouth:

"Who is Mochuan? I haven't heard the name, I don't know you ..."

She had never heard of this name, but she did n’t know why, but she felt that the name was extremely familiar, as if it had been branded deep in her heart, she felt that she should recognize him, but she did n’t even think about it. stand up.

This is too ironic, her memory has reached an unforgettable level, how could she not remember?

Both his face and his name gave her a sense of familiarity, like appearing in her dreams countless times, but this was clearly the first time she saw him and the first time she dreamt about it He!

"If you think about it, do you really not remember me?"

The man named Mo Chuan had a painful look in her eyes, and her heart was upset.

She tried hard, and the more she thought about the headache, the worse.

"Mochuan, Mochuan, Mochuan ..." She whispered his name, her brow furrowed tightly, rolling on the pillow, but she couldn't wake up from the dream.

This man named Mo Chuan continued to pester her in her dream.

Chu Shaoyang's muscles tightened suddenly. He was stunned as if he had been acupunctured, staring at her in a daze.

She didn't wake up, frowning, whispering, apparently dreaming.

But her lips opened lightly, and she spit out a few obscure words, but Chu Shaoyang heard clearly, and the two words she kept repeating were Mochuan!

His eyes froze into ice, his thin lips tightened tightly, and his hands clenched into fists without realizing it.

Damn it!

Did she really remember? Why would she call that man's name in her dream? why?

A huge fear enveloped all his body and mind, causing him to tremble involuntarily.

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