Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2010: Dream wedding

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"Yes, the lord is assured that his subordinates will obey the lord's instructions and entertain the guest well."

The two secret guards bowed and agreed.

Chu Shaoyang snorted coldly, turned and strode away.

Shen Ning had a dream.

She hasn't had a dream in a long time.

After coming to the South Vietnam country, Chu Shaoyang invited a most famous doctor in the capital to give her a pulse, and then prescribed a medicine to her, saying that it was used for body repair.

After she took it, she really slept very well, often sleeping until dawn, without even having a dream.

After a day of shopping at the market, she was tired and tired, and drank another bowl of tranquilizing soup. She thought she could sleep without a dream until dawn.

But soon after she closed her eyes, she had a dream.

It was a very strange scene.

She dreamed that she was in a new house in a small farmhouse, and the room was decorated with joy, as if someone wanted to do a happy event, but she seemed to see it, but she could not see a single person, nor did she find the shadow of the bride and groom .

Inadvertently lowering her head, she suddenly found herself wearing a wedding dress of the newlyweds, the bright red color was extremely bright.

Strange, could the bride be herself?

She was surprised when she heard footsteps from outside and someone came in.

She had a thick red cap on her head and could not see the coming person, but her heart began to jump out of control uncontrollably because of joy and excitement, as if the coming person had been waiting for a long time. The man for a long time.

Will he be Chu Shaoyang?

Although the date of the wedding is approaching day by day, she has never been the excitement of being a newlyweds, which is the joy and hope, but the calmness like completing a ceremony, but why she will become a dream Looking forward to this?

The footsteps stopped in front of her.

She looked down, seeing a pair of black thin-soled boots worn by men, her breathing could not help but become rapid.

This is not Chu Shaoyang!

Chu Shaoyang never wore such thin-bottomed boots, but he is not Chu Shaoyang, who is it? Could it be the young man in black who he met during the day?

But he just glanced at him, how could he see him in a dream?

Shen Ning's heart jumped suddenly, and she saw a hand reaching into her red hijab. The hand was beautifully shaped, with long fingers, and a familiar hand. She seemed familiar, but this hand was by no means Chu. Shaoyang's hand!

The eyes are bright!

That hand stripped her red hijab.

She lifted her eyes and looked into a pair of dark eyes like the sea. The eyes were full of complex emotions, so deep that she could not understand!

"who are you?"

Her lips moved, spit out three words.

Her eyes were attracted by those eyes, and she couldn't see the man's facial features and what the man looked like.

She also didn't know if the man in front of her was a young man in black that she had seen during the day. She was just attracted by those eyes, unable to roll her eyes.

The man did not speak, and slowly leaned over to her.

There was a clear smell of good smell on him, which she was familiar with, but she could not remember where she had smelled it.

She always rejected Chu Shaoyang's approach, but when the strange man approached her, she did not dodge until the man's lips gently touched her forehead, and the tender and soft touch made her eyes suddenly warm. !

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